JOHN KENNEDY: "I’m going to give you a last opportunity, right here, right in front of God and country. I want you to look me in the eye. Are Doctor Ford’s allegations true?"
BRETT KAVANAUGH: "Those are not. Um, she — ah, no — no — none of the witnesses in the room support that. Ah, the — if that — that had happened, I would have been the talk of campus, ah, in our freshman dorm ..."
BRETT KAVANAUGH: "Those are not true. Never met her, don’t know who she is. There’s this, a — letter released within two hours of that breaking yesterday, ..."
JOHN KENNEDY: "No doubt in your mind?"
BRETT KAVANAUGH: "Zero. I’m a hundred percent certain."
BRETT KAVANAUGH: "Not a scintilla. A hundred percent certain, senator."
BRETT KAVANAUGH: "I swear to God."
JOHN KENNEDY: "[long pause] 'at's [sic] all I have, judge.""
CHUCK GRASSLEY: "Judge Kavanaugh, thank you very much. Hearing adjourned."
A jaw jut signals a surge of adrenaline.
Kennedy knows Kavanaugh is lying.
Never throw them a life preserver - rather let them swim in the rough seas of their own making.
Notice too, that for this same split-second Kavanaugh displays an expression of Fear.
Moreover, in this context, where sexual assault is being alleged, it's particularly symbolic and suggestive of guilt.
Judge Kavanaugh's nonverbal behavior indicates he's lying as well as deliberately withholding information (lies of omission). He believes he is guilty of sexual assault. Kavanaugh's anxiety is particularly elevated toward Ms. Swetnick.
continued ...