(What do I mean? See 👇 )
Yesterday’s moment was when Trump mocked Dr. Ford at a rally for not remembering how she got to the party.
Democrats were outraged.
MAGA people were elated.
The leader thinks about how to get the people experiencing strong emotions.
When people get pulled into an endless round of emotion, they’re unable to think about the future.
While we’re all caught in a hurricane of emotions, fascism marches on. Behind closed doors, Trump & pals are busy dismantling the federal government.
They are. . .
There are thus two stories: What we see & what's happening behind closed doors.
Why not just put in his second choice, who is still in line with the views of the far right wing but will be less divisive?
What could better rile the Democrats?
What could better thrill the MAGA people?
What could better cause them to turn on each other, and see each other as the enemy?
Make no mistake: Trump wants you riled up.
This polarizing wedge works on multiple levels.
It takes us out of normal politics of policy differences (left v. right) and into what Prof. Stanley @jasonintrator calls “the politics of us versus them.”

We so assume that everyone is an enemy that even when Orrin Hatch submits an appellate brief (Gamble v. US) making the exact same legal argument as the ACLU, people immediately ascribe bad ulterior motives.
I think we have to lift ourselves out of the destructive emotional cycle, or we’ll get worn out.
For me, understanding is calming. Scholars like Haidt, Snyder, Stanley, Paxton, Sunstein, and others helps me see how I'm being manipulated.
I know from my own reading of American history that this is not our first slide into oligarchy. The first was slavery. The second occurred in the 1920s. Our nation has been in worse shape.
We should look to the future and think about how we can get there. The worst thing we can do is get worn down, despair, and give up. That’s exactly what Trump wants.