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Thread by @OzKaterji: "The Assad regime runs extermination camps to mass murder civilians in Syria that the Russian government pays Dan Cohen to cover up. Notice h […]"

, 4 tweets, 1 min read
The Assad regime runs extermination camps to mass murder civilians in Syria that the Russian government pays Dan Cohen to cover up. Notice how he refers to journalists as “one of their own”, because he isn’t a journalist, he’s a paid mouthpiece for dictatorship.
The second part of this Tweet is also a lie, all of the journalists Dan is paid by the Kremlin to target have covered Yemen extensively, far more extensively than he ever has. If Khashoggi was a Russian dissident killed in a Russian embassy Dan would be currently lying about it.
If you want to know what Dan would be saying about this case if Russia was involved not Saudi Arabia, go and check out Al Arabiya’s coverage. The same lies to cover up war crimes, just with a different paymaster.
Also, nearly all of the journalists Dan Cohen is paid by the Russian government to discredit are Arab Muslims. This isn’t a coincidence, it’s because he’s a racist.
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