I just downloaded the Tweets (about.twitter.com/en_us/values/e…) and will add my findings in this thread. My focus is Europe and Germany.

Thread and article medium.com/dfrlab/trolltr….
Their conclusion: Little to no impact. /3
They were published by 1 058 different accounts.
Twitter anonymized all accounts with less than 5k followers.
I think I have seen 'erdollum' before. Will have to go through my older analyses. /4

The account seems to have been fast with tweeting images for breaking news. Newspapers like to embed Tweets because they have to worry less about copyright. /7

Basics of lazy marketing automation. Makes the account look active. Can we find patterns, when we look at what kind of content was posted? /13

Let's look through the replies of the more active accounts. /15

Did Twitter notify those users that they were contacted by a suspicious account? /16

Asking questions seems innocent and like they are actually interested. /18

Article by @LcsWho based on my data for
@uebermedien: uebermedien.de/20286/wie-russ… /26
Without RTs: 85 566
Without URLs: 11 740
Wordcloud of those 11 740 Tweets. /27

Let's look at the burst days. /28

487 Tweets
'erdollum' either doesn't understand what happens or wants others to believe that it doesn't understand it.

Autumn start. Like your average marketing agency. But with a little bit of politics.

116 Tweets.
After nearly a year of low volume, it's time for action. MerkelSuccess.

127 Tweets.
Election day. Hard push for AfD.
127 is a ridiculously small number of Tweets. That's what a single more active account tweets within an hour of a TV discussion.

- 100k Tweets sounds like a lot. But it isn't.
- 90% of the Tweets are fully automated Tweets of news articles to make the accounts look active and maybe attract followers.
- There were around 11 days of action.
- They use reply-spam to gain more visibility. (Replying to accounts with many followers.)
- They use questions to be less obvious.
- Few of them gained a significant number of followers.
- When their Hashtags got traction, other accounts ridiculed them.
Enough for today. Thanks for your attention.
Has someone a graph of the general usage of the terms at that time?
about the news sources the accounts used.
Mention and Retweet Network of the German Tweets.
Position: ForceAtlas2 (Stronger Gravity, Gravity 0.1)
Color: Modularity Group (no edge weight influence)

There errors where IRA accounts interact with each others because I extracted the handles from the Tweet text which aren't obfuscated.
I just realized I didn't lowercase handles.


spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/t… /58
577 252 accounts, 712 033 mentions or replies. /59


With weight loss spam. /81
/via @MikeH_PR