Does their entire life revolve around someone they hate? The Answer is Yes.
And today I'm creating a Dropshipping store from scratch so you can profit off them
🇺🇸 A Thread on How to Do It 🇺🇸
1. They hate Trump
2. They want others to KNOW they hate him (why else are they tweeting/sharing FB articles all day?)
This is what you call a "passionate niche full of hungry buyers"
They will buy products that confirm their beliefs
I'm going to walk you through the:
-Front-end offer
-FB ads (secret engagement tip in this one)
-Post Purchase Email
You're going to get a lot of Free organic traffic because people are going to share, like, and comment on the video as well
Obama has 50m likes on Facebook, so you want to flex target down to 5 million or so
Flex with Joe Biden
Flex with other democratic senators (Elizabeth Warren, Schumer, etc)...
Just keep in mind you want your audiences to be between 2 and 5 million.
Now comes the "secret" to hacking your way to a 10 relevancy score and getting thousands of dollars of free traffic...
These people are going to be livid. Why am I seeing a pro-Obama ad?
It's going to create a literal war in the comments
Half of my friends are democrat, other half are republican so this invites even more comments & shares
You'll have too many free eyeballs for sales not to start trickling in as an effect. Plus your CPP will keep going down as your pixel gets more data
The post-purchase email is a 25% discount with 3 more shirt variations. Don't forget a weekly newsletter with even more apparel.
You want to maximize that LTV of your customer.
The only difference: mine was a #MAGA store and it got shut down for selling copyrighted items (MAGA hats)
Nevertheless, this is also a profitable niche with passionate buyers
Also, if someone actually implements this idea, DM me if you get stuck. I know for a fact this niche will sell. good luck