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Stephen McIntyre @ClimateAudit
6 years ago, 21 tweets, 8 min read Read on Twitter
interesting French article… on Khashoggi's close association with Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal and Nawaf Obaid. Obaid funded Mifsud in 2017 (AFTER FBI interview in Feb 2017)…
2/ Khashoggi and Nawaf Obaid (Mifsud's pal) were joint authors of Sep 8, 2013 NYT anti-Assad op ed…
3/ Khashoggi and Obaid both interviewed for this 2004 article in WaPo…
4/ Tarek Obaid said to be involved in huge Malaysian 1MDB fraud…
5/ in Wikileaks' Stratfor files, on 2011-10-05, Khashoggi attended meeting in Istanbul "as a replacement for Nawaf Obeid, an advisor to Saudi Prince Turki
al Faisal"…
6/ many mentions of Mifsud's friend and patron, Nawaf Obaid (in turn, protege of Prince Turki al-Faisal), in Wikileaks' Stratfor files…
7/ 2006 commentary on Nawaf Obaid op ed in Wa Po…
8/ in 2006 article, Obaid warned that US troop withdrawals from Iraq would result in Saudi financing and arming Sunni insurgency. In retrospect, presages Saudi and Gulf state support for ISIS, AlQaeda and other jihadists in Iraq and Syria…
9/ Khashoggi and Mifsud's pal Obaid wrote for CNN in Sep 2013…
10/ in 1999, Obaid wrote insightful article on Saudi Arabia-US policy. Observes Saudi support for Taliban and that Taliban hosted Osama bin Laden, then already connected to anti-US attacks, including Khobar Towers.…
11/ in June 2001, Comey and Mueller, at behest of Saudi government, absurdly indicted Shia Hezbollah for Khobar Towers bombing instead of obvious culprit: Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, a false attribution that lingers on in US blame of Iran, not Saudi, as sponsor of terrorism
12/ v interesting 2016 article on Nawaf Obaid, Tarek Obaid and huge Malaysian scandal (1MDB). Bribes to Malaysian PM Najib Razak. Mentioned: Jho Low, Prince Turki, ex-APCO Paul Stadlen,…
13/ story on 1MDB scandal centering on Tarek Obaid, who sponsored new institution employing Mifsud in May 2017…
14/ Tony Blair on payroll of crooked Saudi company…
16/ Alexander Downer, Papadop's "buddy", wrote interesting and professional article on Saudi beef with Khashoggi. Says that he was "player", allied with Muslim Brotherhood, opposed to reforms. Is that also true of Mifsud's patron Nawaf Obaid (Khash pal)?…
17/ Prince Turki al-Faisal, patron of Nawaf Obaid (who employed Mifsud), is in news today: 9/11 hijacker Moussaui says that Turki al-Faisal was involved in 9/11 financing. No reason to "believe" Moussaui without corroboration, but disquietingly plausible…
18/ Moussaui allegation about (Mifsud and Obaid patron) Prince Turki al-Faisal (and also Prince Bandar bin Salman) in connection with 9/11 financing previously reported in 2015:…
19/ "Leaked information from the redacted portion of the 9/11 Commission Report states that two of the 9/11 hijackers received $130,000 in payment from Bandar's checking account".
Why is this still redacted?…
21/ interesting article here…

Turki al-Faisal said that one of ways that Saudi "helped" US was by "training and funding" jihadists in Syria ("anti-Assad rebels"). Contradicting US pretense that Saudi/Gulf support for jihadists was their own doing.
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