Peter suffers from chronic illnesses. The #ACA saved his life, so now he takes peoples' stories to their senators.

Here's the rule - all 400+ pages:…
This rule will be particularly harsh on pregnant and breastfeeding women, and children.…
Peter and I saw that this was an intersection of healthcare and immigration advocacy, and we decided to tell senators about it.
@JeffMerkley (D-OR)
@SenAngusKing (D-ME)
@SenSchumer (D-NY)
@ChrisMurphyCT (D-CT)
@EdMarkey (D-MA)
@KamalaHarris (D-CA)
@SenFeinstein (D-CA)
@SenWhitehouse (D-RI)
@SenatorLeahy (D-VT)
@DougJones (D-AL)
(No GOP office accepted.)
Meanwhile, I told the staffers about how my clients are urging me to file their cases by December 10, the day the public comment period closes.
I asked each one, "I want to see your boss take charge in the Senate come January, and hold these organizations' feet to the fire."
Peter and I made a good team!
Imagine if we called them all out. That's only going to happen if we engage our lawmakers.
Comments must be considered; they become part of the record, and can be cited in subsequent legal challenges.
Your comment will be auto-filed. So tell a story. Talk about why it's a bad idea to scare people out of good healthcare. That affects us all, current or future American.
The 116th Congress is going to be very different from the 115th. It sits in January. It would be great to hold their feet to the fire.
Act now.