(I'm back! Digging through more details from the 393pp #ClimateNeutralEU working doc…)

NB also how coal's contribution already falls in half by 2030…

Fag-pack numbers suggest the rising nuclear share in 1.5C scenarios mainly reflects falling total demand, but even so this wld entail significant nuclear newbuild, given the ageing EU reactor fleet…

(NB range covers 2C / 1.5C pathways, but those are likely similar as power is an "easy" sector)

in 2015 -> 2050
140GW -> up to 1,200GW
95GW -> up to 1,000GW

"In 2050, the role of CCS for power generation is very limited in all scenarios as competitive wind and solar, as well as biogas, hydrogen, batteries and biomass are available in sufficient quantities to balance electricity system."

* the numbers will be wrong
* they'll look dumb in a few yrs
* but they're still useful