"With May as Prime Minister there can be no Brexit deal"
I stand by that statement
🇪🇺 is not going to make the backstop time limited or allow 🇬🇧 to unilaterally withdraw it. So the deal on the table is essentially unchanged
- replace May, and give someone else a go
- find some other way out of the present #Brexit stasis
Even Bill Cash won't no confidence the government:
⛔️ May and her cabinet seem to have settled on playing for time, hoping they can some pull a rabbit out of the hat by sometime in January
That seems to be more out of hope than expectation
❓ Withdrawing the Article 50 notification 📩
❓ Holding a #PeoplesVote 🗳
I do not include No Deal here, because there is a clear majority in the Commons against that. And post-ECJ judgment, rescinding is easier than extending.
Major: independent.co.uk/news/uk/politi…
Clarke: express.co.uk/news/uk/105789…

The Tories don't want it, but that still does not mean it will not happen.
❌ Remain
❌ No Deal
❌ May's Deal
❌ No confidence-ing the Government
❌ A General Election
Rescinding Article 50 is ❓, and is v hard to communicate
The Tories around May can frame it as being the way to avoid No Deal disaster. The ERG can't now oust May. Labour can reluctantly agree to it. SNP, Greens, Lib Dems happy to have it anyway.
Once May returns from #EUCO with v little, and with the Brexit ⏰ still ticking, clamour for this will grow.
This week's developments, I think, make such a course of action more likely.