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Jun 8th 2023
👁‍🗨 ¿Por qué las empresas quiebran? ¿En qué consiste la teoría de Schumpeter?

El economista #JosephAloisSchumpeter aclaró que existe una repetición de procesos en las actividades de producción, las cuales llevan a realizar innovaciones y dar la #DestrucciónCreativa ⬇️ Image
➡️ y forzar al emprendedor empresario a utilizar toda su capacidad.

Además, afirma que ninguna empresa, por más afianzada que parezca, está a salvo de los «vientos de la destrucción creativa» a largo plazo. ⬇️ Image
➡️ Por ejemplo, el declive de empresas como #IBM y #GeneralMotors, o la desaparición de #Kodak, que en sus momentos de gloria dominaron el mundo en sus respectivas industrias, demuestra el poder de la competencia a través de la #Innovación.

En el caso ecuatoriano, podemos ⬇️ Image
Read 4 tweets
Mar 9th 2023
JUST IN: General Motors offers buyouts to “majority of U.S. team.” Employees have two weeks to decide, per letter sent to whole company. #GM #GeneralMotors $GM #BREAKING

This comes just 10 days after GM laid off 500 employees back on Feb. 28.

Something General Motors CEO Mary Barra said, in no uncertain terms, was not on the table during a January earnings call.

Passage below *seems* to hint that if buyouts do not work, layoffs at #GM *could* happen again.

Read 7 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
5 US-amerikanische Unternehmen ermöglichten die Infrastruktur für die #Nazis zur Durchführung des #Holocaust:
1. #Ford Motor Company mit Henry Ford vebreitete die 'Juden-Verschwörung' durch die Zeitung "Dearborn Independent" und lie die Übersetzung in Deutschland verbreiten.
2. #GeneralMotors lieferte den "Blitz-Lastwagen" für den #Blitzkrieg, sowie essentielle Teile für den JU-88-Bomber, #Motoren für die Panzer, #Sprengstoff für Landminen und Torpedoköpfe.
3. #CarnegieInstitution basierend auf dem Vermögen von Andrew Carnegie und der 4. #RockefellerFoundation brachten die Ideologie der #Eugenik hervor, wonach Juden schädlich für die #Volksgesundheit seien.
Finanzierten auch #Mengele und die #Zwillingsversuche.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 30th 2022
📚 El libro "23 cosas que no te cuentan sobre el capitalismo" del economista surcoreano Ha-Joon Chang, explica de cómo reconstruir una economía mundial, y desacredita mitos del capitalismo de forma magistral.

🔎 Pero, ¿cuáles son esas 23 cosas que no nos cuentan? Hilo 🧵🪡 ⤵️
➡️ 1. No existe el libre mercado;
2. Las empresas no deberían ser dirigidas en el interés de sus propietarios;
3. La mayoría de la gente en los países ricos cobra más de lo que deberían ser;
4. La #lavadora ha cambiado más el mundo que #Internet; ⤵️
➡️ 5. Asume lo peor de la gente y obtendrás lo peor;
6. Una mayor estabilidad macroeconómica no hizo que la economía mundial fuera más estable;
7. Las políticas de #LibreMercado rara vez hacen ricos a los #PaísesPobres;
8. El #Capital tiene una nacionalidad; ⤵️
Read 9 tweets
May 13th 2021
Sigue, #EnVivo, la Conferencia Matutina Presidencial, a través de la multiplataforma de #CanalCatorce: 📺 14.1 | 📱#MxplayTV|⏯️|💻…
#ConferenciaPresidente | El presidente @lopezobrador_ informó que hoy, a las 10:00 hrs en el #TemploMayor, encabezará la conmemoración de los 700 años del "inicio de la fundación de #Tenochtitlán", en el que participará la ex presidenta de Brasil #DilmaRousseff.
#ConferenciaPresidente |@lopezobrador_ se comprometió a investigar y denunciar los presuntos actos de corrupción de servidores públicos del programa #SembrandoVida, además, leyó la carta enviada a los funcionarios públicos donde los insta a no cometer actos de corrupción.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 6th 2021
I read an #InterestingStory about a complaint regarding Vanilla Ice Cream that left #GeneralMotors puzzled and found it to be #TooGoodNotToShare

Moral of the story being ... “Never underestimate your Customers' Complaint, no matter how funny it might seem!”

Here we go ...
A complaint was received by the Pontiac Division of General Motors:

'This is the second time I have written to you, and I don't blame you for not answering me, because I sounded crazy, but it is a fact..
You see, every time I buy a vanilla ice-cream, when I start back from the store my car won't start. If I get any other kind of ice cream, the car starts just fine.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 18th 2021
1/ .@CARandDriver have I got a story for you. Thread. 👇
2/ I’ve had a terrible experience with #GeneralMotors and my #YukonDenli. .@MinchinGMC sold my #GM vehicle to someone else AFTER I put down a deposit. I learned after driving it that “replacement” didn’t have adaptive cruise control that was promised. 🍋
3/Returned it and bought a new one but had to wait 2 months. Engine misfired at 6k miles. After 2 weeks, local dealer (.@Tremonte_Auto in Branford, CT) couldn’t fix the problem. 🍋
Read 14 tweets
Dec 26th 2020
Top U.S stocks making #investors very #rich
Despite #Bitcoin having touched a new milestone on #Christmas day by hitting a new all-time high of $24,600 with yearly gains of about 236%, it still lags behind a handful of listed #American stocks in terms of yearly returns
The leader of the pack remains #Chinese car company, #Nio, often tagged the Chinese #Tesla. Nio has outperformed by 11-fold gain this year alone, pushing the #car company’s market value past car giants like American based #GeneralMotors
Read 9 tweets
Dec 10th 2019
Analysis: #NYSE $GM

Case 78 #GeneralMotors Company

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

Thread 👇👇👇

#GM 1/4
Chart 1
Weekly Chart: The highest high was recorded in October 2017 and further upside attempts have been thwarted, leading price to edge lower - into a tight $9 range for most of 2019. The #SMAs are compressing and this is .....

GM 2/4
..... slightly worrisome. #Trendline support offers good opportunities to enter into longs and further down #Fib 0.618 and channel support 29.43 - 27.50 respectively.

GM 3/4
Read 4 tweets
Dec 10th 2018
I guarantee those same investors are profiting big time from the "climate change" hoax. It's just another part of their collective #GreenScam.

Again, they don't give a crap about the climate or environment. They only give a crap about their bottoms lines.
LMAO, what did I tell you? #GreenScam

In the article, one of the investors they spoke to -Chris Newton, Executive Director Responsible Investment at IFM Investors.

Here is IFM Investors home page.

"IFM Investors has one singular purpose – the prosperity of our investors."

"Our approach to responsible investment is closely aligned to the United Nations Global Compact"
Read 8 tweets
Oct 4th 2018
1/ If you have a heart attack and I jump in to your car to take you to hospital but fail to figure out basics due to overwhelming IoT gadget and unfamiliar app, it could cost your life. Popular Pattern, Legacy Pattern, Onboarding Load, Cognitive Load, Redroute, Learnability,
2/ Perpetual Load, Situational Usability Testing, HMI, HCI, Interactive Controls, Interaction Design. Situational Data Analytics. #userexperience #usabilitytesting #Usability #accessibility #iot #onboarding #familiarity #Cognitive #perpetual #app #hmi #HCI #design #designer
Read 4 tweets
Jun 9th 2018
Que retenir finalement du #G7Charlevoix que #Trump quitte ce matin en avance après à peine 24h de présence?Qu'il avance sur la remise en cause d'1 ordre mondial libéral régulé par les #EtatsUnis depuis 1945 et qu'il se moque toujours des salamalecs.#thread…
2) En effet, on a vu de nouveau le président #Macron et le PM canadien #Trudeau revenir à la stratégie #compol des démonstrations d'affection et de dialogue amical, mises en scène pour l'opinion publique, afin de fléchir 1 #Trump qui les accueille poliment SANS s'engager sur rien
3) #Trump plaisante avec (sur?) #Trudeau, complimente-à l'excès- le président #Macron sur leur relation très spéciale, il est comme 1 poisson dans l'eau avec ses jeux de dupes face caméra, qui ne l'impliquent pas...……
Read 48 tweets

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