The Dutch authorities conducted the policy of Unesco Global Education Plan in public schools.
UNESCO Education Plan.…

There are massive subsidy flows from VN and EU for these free invisible networks.

Unesco has an international changemaker network that must ensure the transition of society through education.
Charlotte, in Dutch but maybe your husband can translate:)……
Het netwerk van Ashoka is GIGANTIC.…
John Moravec is a major spill in the network of Unesco and interferes with all the transitions: education, energy, environment, care.
The following://www2. eco/john/2008/02/29/unesco - thirdprobe - knowledge - conference - online/

Like guru Ron Hubbard of Scientology and his distinct guru, who became a very own guru with sekth Harry Palmer of Avatar, NLP guru Ken Robinson and all.
They are author of many books. They give courses, preferably in a pyramid model where you climb up the ladder to Master and even Wizard. They give workshops, lead others to leadership, set up schools, educate others to set up
He pointed out schools. The knowmadge schools, worldwide.
In the Netherlands too.
Http://www. knowmads. nl/

Claire Boonstra, too. They want to change the Dutch Education radically to the Unesco Global Education Plan.
Claire Boonstra and John Moravec…

John Moravec boek Knowmadge Society - kennis delen………

Here's where you read their purpose.……

Mary is a teacher and is high in the ranking of Scientology. She starts
Youth for Human Rights.
3 screenshots

As you can see, Mary Shuttleworth also followed the Scientology teachings of Ron Hubbard.
It has only one mission: all children, all teachers, all schools in the world have to get Scientology education.

Meanwhile, it is clear that educational inspection does not investigate infiltration avatar Scientology in the Netherlands following the articles and broadcasts of The Monitor.…
Cult expert abbout Avatar…
Dutch meldpoint for cults requests inspection to study…
Inspection decision not to investigate…
Jan Figeľ is a Slovak politician and was commissioner responsible for training, Culture and multilingualism in the commission - Barroso I.án_Figeľ

It has therefore consequences from EU and EC as a country doesn’t accept Scientology.…

Then these people get the Scientology training. Brainwash!…
important strategic plans with transition education, the environment, energy and care.…

Frans Timmermans will follow up Jean Claude Juncker!

This happened and we already see in education, care, environment and energy.
It is not hesitate to have professors make pseudo-scientific reports and to completely ignore
Unesco Chairs Worldwide…
For the necessary urges and compulsion, Unesco make A Teachers Guide.
A Guide which allows teachers to indoctrinatie. So that they can make a ‘better’ world. The transition of society through the teacher.……
The teachersregister (in Dutch ‘Lerarenregister’) must make you follow the necessary courses to make You a better teacher for making a better world that's going to lead to children who are "better’. So you're all gonna think and live by ideology from...
The teachers don’t like it at all!……
Training to educating for a sustainable future. Indoctrination of teachers to teach them to indoctrinate the children the right way.

Robert Muller’s World Curriculum. With help from Ron Hubbard’s education - method and Psycho -Therapy. Brainwash!

Countries in which curriculum renewed large - scale renewed is based on less knowledge + skills + technique.…

Brahma Kumaris sect - Foundation living value Education
In this cult, also Democratic school the Vrije Ruimte in the Hague, the Netherlands……
More about living values Education
100 Unesco teachers……

Klaas Wiltng confirmed that Dutch police agents have followed the courses of the BK cult for years.
Thousands of VN officials also followed the courses of the BK cult. Brahma Kumaris sect is een VN NGO!

It's about these cults and unesco/un to indoctrination through education. It's about personality development ttgs that transition and 17 Unesco goals. To creatie the One World, One religion VN dream. Utopia
Avatar's own democratic schools and ecovillages.
Damanhur sect has her own school, is an ecovillage en helps other to create eco collages too.
The BK has the Academy of living value education
Unesco has its Unesco schools.
This transition process - where we are in the middle- is implemented with urges and compulsion.
This is how the VN thinks:
There must be a change in the world's consciousness.
And they want to reach by the sgo’s and ngo’s, steering groups and seas full of subsidies.

Their Kids will be placed with foster parents. But, there are not enough Forster boardingschools!
The EU countries may not close their borders to migration through international treaties.
Now it's being sent to converts, disappearing cultures and traditions on the side.
They create a new kind of human. A New kind of Aryan race, like Hitler.
Where’s nothing democratic or socially about. It’s socialist communism.