"Begley noted that the blood moon will pass over D.C. on the 2nd anniversary of President Trump’s inauguration. Additionally, he said, Trump was born on a blood moon on June 14, 1946, exactly 700 days before Israel was declared a nation."
Pictures of fires in California? That's Babylon the "city" of immorality. Let it burn.
Pictures of children in cages? Their parents are sinners. They deserve whatever they get.
The more destruction and judgement the better.
So, blood moon, Trump, 6th seal, "great day of wrath."
Maybe Reagan -- who himself wondered if the Book of Revelation was coming to pass while he was president.
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of God's hands." (Ps 19:1)
Awe. No apocalypse involved.
That sense we are fully alive. That we are all connected. That we are part of the sacred beauty of the universe. That we are small creatures in this vast cosmos.
Awe. Not apocalypse.
Don't be afraid.
Instead, be overwhelmed. Joy, beauty, love. The moon is speaking to us, a language of creation. Those deep inner words that call us to a awe-shaped life. Toward oneness. Toward caring. Toward compassion.