Here comes the Freedom Train, you better hurry down
Just like a Paul Revere, its coming in to your home town
I first learned about The Freedom Train of 1947 through comic books

I first learned about the 1947 Freedom Train from a comic book.
To sell the train to America of 1947, comic books were one of the staples (😀) of how to reach the people. So were radio, comic strips and cereal boxes

Here is the PSA in a comic - first time on the internet as far as I know.
A story about Thomas Jefferson and Religious Freedom for Virginians
You owe it to yourself to see it when the Freedom Train comes to your home town

#comicbook fans will recognize some famous names

The Freedom Train is hijacked. After some comic book shenanigans, the Justice Society is on the case.
They tackle it like they tackle *every* problem.
Hey Gang! Let's separate!

Wait - why is the Liberty Bell called the Freedom Bell?
Why is it in Independence City and not Philadelphia?
This story is before the Earth-1 / Earth-2 stuff DC comics would later put together
Its just how DC comics rolls

Captain Marvel also has a Freedom Train dedicated issue - CMA 85
By the way, the All Star Comics issue was reprinted in the 1970s, and this Captain Marvel Adventures is on Digital Comics Museum as public domain.
Close your CC Beck eyes and let's roll!

Dr Sivana's direct attack on the Freedom Train fails (curses! Foiled again!), so he goes for Plan T - T for Time Travel.
Dr Sivana is going to change the Declaration of Independence into the Declaration of Dictatorship! heh heh heh

See …… for details
In 1947, Truman declares 'The Truman Doctrine'. The Freedom Train easily ties in as a PR campaign to support the new major policy that launches the Cold War

#Comicbooks history - see Bill Maher what you can learn from a comic book