CLINTON CONNECTION.- Corruption runs deep
DOJ later ([2]departures imminent).- We know 1 is [RR]. Bruce Ohr is still there if I am not mistaken.
Why are we attacked daily by the largest news co’s on the world?- Clown operatives abound inside msm- TAVISTOCK!!!
How is that possible?- MIL-Planning
On same day as BARR confirmation?
What a coincidence.- Coincidence is code word for 'We meant to do that'
What a coincidence!- Code word
Return ‘publicly’?- When will the msm ask @POTUS about Q?
Pace picking up?- Drop the HAMMER!…📁
Truth push.- Traitorous actions of McCabe and others> Dark>Light.

Be alert next 10 days.- This is a major clue. Why only for the next 10 days? Does this mean that something will have changed drastically by the 26th of February? I hope this means what I think it does. We shall see. #QAnon

High possibility of ‘multiple day’ coverage event forcing pause on news.- Soros op-ed, activate sleeper cells?
See something > Say something.…📁- I saw this yesterday and this was my first thought. Avoiding the gallows for the traitors.
In the past, what was the punishment re: a TRAITOR?- Death by hanging or firing squad.
Coincidence?- Not at all.

Border has more importance than what is publicly disclosed.- Impact on cabal black ops- funding $$$…📁
Dark to Light.
The orders came from the highest office in the land.- Duality? Orders then-Hussein. Orders NOW- POTUS. Explain this to me- Why in the world would McCabe write a book/give interview- where he admits TREASON? Puppet disclosure.

Interesting post by @USArmy this morning. THAAD is Terminal High Altitude Aerial Defense. An anti-ballistic missile defense system for short, medium, and intermediate range ballistic missiles.…?📁
Be careful who you follow.- Many 'FAKE MAGA' out there yammering about how @POTUS was getting played. Reconcile.
Define 'reconciliation'
Think budget.
Define 'allocation'
#TrustTrump #QAnon