Wow. I picked a bad day to be REALLY busy. #QAnon has really been going at it today. Panic in DC is becoming unbearable, and we are on the verge of major events. Buckle up and let's dive in. #WAKEUPAMERICA #FACTSMATTER #SAVEAMERICA #UNITEDNOTDIVIDED #WWG1WGA

@RepDougCollins put up the transcripts from Peter Strzok today, and Q asks us to dig in- Happy hunting.

We have a @SaraCarterDC tweet. Andrew Weissman is leaving the DOJ SC, so this is just another signal that the Mueller report is imminent and the end of the 'witch hunt' is near. Sting of all stings. SOON.#WAKEUPAMERICA #FACTSMATTER #SAVEAMERICA #UNITEDNOTDIVIDED #WWG1WGA

#QAnon gives a shout out to all of the Anons who have been putting in countless hours in this information war. We are ALL part of this fight. Patriots! #WAKEUPAMERICA #FACTSMATTER #SAVEAMERICA #UNITEDNOTDIVIDED #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #StormIsUponUs

Photo is titled a traitors justice.
Are YOU ready?

The [Rod Rosenstein] debrief is complete and this is right on time to the date that I had marked for his departure, which was the 15th. We shall see if my source is correct #WAKEUPAMERICA #FACTSMATTER #SAVEAMERICA #UNITEDNOTDIVIDED #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #StormIsUponUs

#QAnon confirms that the deep state was holding @realDonaldTrump's kids as hostages (under indictment threat) & that AG BARR has removed those indictments. Insurance cancelled for the DS. #WAKEUPAMERICA #FACTSMATTER #SAVEAMERICA #UNITEDNOTDIVIDED #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening

George Papadopoulos has certainly heeded #QAnon 's words to keep in the light. He has been very public on Twit lately and promises to drop some big news on Mifsud today. As you will remember Mifsud was the one that set PaPo up. As of yet, PaPo has not dropped that info.

The Hill is reporting that Lisa Page testified that the FBI did not have evidence of Trump/Russia collusion before the appointment of SC Mueller. So if there is no evidence of a crime, why was a special counsel needed? To find a crime. #WAKEUPAMERICA #FACTSMATTER #QAnon

What did we learn this week?
>OHR cooperating witness
>PAGE cooperating witness
>STRZOK cooperating witness

Next we will learn the connection of Fusion GPS- Nellie Ohr's employer is the current incarnation of a former C_A operation called Open Source Works. Nellie Ohr was a clown then and she is a clown now.…

Chris Cox who was one of the primary developers of content for FB is packing it in per the NYT article. He was instrumental in the development of the FB 'news feed' as we know it. #QAnon also shows us a 'coincidental' Cl A after FB's profile on MarketWatch. Explained next

We have the photo of the FB Marketwatch profile with the Cl A after their name. It looks like C I A, but it actually stands for 'CLASS A' stock. #QAnon asks did you see "CI A".

#QAnon clarifies for everyone here that is was done in jest.
"Class A" shares.
Fun, nonetheless.

I too have gotten frustrated about not being able to read the articles from the NYT and WaPo that are behind pay walls- I am thankful that #QAnon gave us instructions for circumvention. ThankQ.

We have a 'Hackers' movie reference from an Anon. #QAnon says good movie and then references a character from the movie played by Jonnie Lee Miller (Elementary) named ZEROCOOL- LISTEN TO WHAT HE SAYS AT 1:21:
Weekly summary:
#Demos are trying to steal 2020 through open borders, legalizing illegal's votes, & lowering voting age to 16.
The push to keep the census from counting illegal's is to suppress the general public from knowing how many are here
6 Companies control the msm

#QAnon clears up a couple of spelling errors in D-3071 so that the number hounds don't go orgasmic over missing or added letters.

@jsolomonReports, @Jim_Jordan and @GreggJarrett all agree that it's ALL about to break wide open. #QAnon - IT'S HAPPENING.

Be very aware. False Flag Events are happening. Plane crashes, and just now-
Report: 30 killed, wounded in New Zealand mosque: 'Blood everywhere'…

Anon asks about the shooting in NZ.
#QAnon says that it won't be big enough to stop the news, expect bigger and Q specifically mentioned US, UK, France and Italy.

The link POTUS posted just goes to Breitbart dotcom- but the top story at the time he tweeted it was this story:…
Thank you to @MuhHabbenins for sharing the link with me.