Someone tell @theresa_may @jeremycorbyn @HouseofCommons @UKHouseofLords and the whole Wrexiters gang

I understand people can be scared/think there is a risk. Of course there is.
That is not the question here.
The question is: "Is it worth it?"
Of course this would have required precautions/a closed supervision. For years.
But get first hand experience and explanation from a girl groomed by Isis -Worth it?
And on this specific case -Was a British baby's life worth it?
(One thing about potential hostile interference: If I was a hostile power wanting to block this petition, I wouldn't ask my hackers to run DDoS attacks against it, I would ask them to *sign it* while leaving a trail to dismiss it entirely.)
My ex could do that, pretty sure a hostile power can too.
That would create a lot of duplicate.
So consider this a loony theory unless the petition is dismissed because of huge amount of duplicates.