"KY Man Sues Hotel Boss After She Tried Exorcising His Divorce “Demons”" po.st/Fn5Lmv via @hemantmehta #covenanting #Puritans

b) Briefly explain your conversion experience.
c) Were you baptized as a child?
d) In one word, who is Jesus Christ to you?

f) Is repentance part of your Christian life?
g) What is your prayer life like?
h) Were you a planned child?
i) Were you conceived out of wedlock?
j) Have you personally ever had psychiatric counseling?

l) Have you ever made a pact with the devil?
m) Have you ever been involved in Eastern religion?
n) Have you ever visited heathen temples?

Have you ever committed fornication, adultery, been with
prostitutes, had homosexual or lesbian desires or experience?
v) Have you ever sexually fantasized about an animal?

x) Have you fathered a child that has been aborted?
y) Has pornography ever attracted you?
z) Do you have desires of having sex with a child?