tldr: Break up the day into ACT-REACT-ACT blocks if you're a very senior manager or owner
Break up the day into REACT-ACT-REACT blocks if you're in client service, have dependencies, mid-junior team
Essentially you ACT to take ownership and control of your time.
In this block you do what adds MOST value to your book.
Read, write, learn, a 1v1 meeting where you're the listener not giver, a jam session where someone is there to help YOU, etc.
Respond to emails, pings, look up info for someone (their ACT), give feedback, answer questions, participate in meetings that others lead, 1v1 where you're giving.
REACT clears the way.
In an ACT Block you never REACT. You only create value
No one can escape REACT.
What you can do however is to REACT less than you ACT. In the long term, even the medium term, this gives immense personal satisfaction. A feeling of control
Here you prioritize REACTING because it's the nature of the beast. Still however you carve out time for you to ACT and prioritize your goals
To soak in the benefits of the ACT phase you need to shut off cognition leeches. This is your smartphone/ notifications (browser /mobile). This is ppl with a 'quick qn'. The doorbell.
Devote cognition to value creation ONLY.
It can be meditating, it can be writing on Medium, it can be summarizing the quarters hits and misses.
It just can't be something you're reacting to because a ping pinged.
I prioritize my value creation. I respond when I can to all - I'm available 24/7 on the phone for my nanny, husband, dad, boss.
Anyone else can wait.
So try it out and let me know what you think. Thanks @NCResq for listening and offering feedback.