Brexit means Brexit (we won, so get over it)
WTO is the genie of trade. The mere mention of its name will see goods and services flowing smoothly and tariff-free, just like they do in every other country.
Put any three Brexiters in a room, and they will emerge with at least four versions of Brexit. None of which they will implement, of course. You see, Brexiters don't get their hands dirty with the last 1% of the process. It's so trivial, it's beneath them.
The 2016 referendum represents the largest democratic mandate ever, because turnout in the Scottish Referendum, many past GEs, and the total number of votes cast in the 1992 GEs don't count.
The closer we get to Brexit Day, the more Brexiters will claim they're channelling the view of "everyone who voted to Leave" when demanding we leave the EU without a deal.
17.4 million people represent a majority of an electorate of 46,500,0001. It also represents a majority of a population of 65 million.
"Will of the People" is the equivalent of QED at the end of a scientific proof.
If Brexit's not succeeding, it's because you're not believing in it hard enough.
All of the following are believed to be in cahoots to block the One True Brexit: remainers, judges, Labour, MPs in general, the Lords, the Queen, mass media, experts, economists, business leaders, facts, statistics, the EU, did we mention the EU, oh and the EU!
What do experts know? They only have knowledge and experience to go by. You have Brexit.
It is impossible to predict the future, because it hasn't happened yet. (I always look outside to see if it's raining.)
Things that happened in the past that I don't like are *fake news*. Moon landing? Pah! Manchester United won their match the other day? Who are you trying to kid, mate?
Irish border? Just a red line on a map, innit.
Eton and Oxford educated millionaires and hedge fund owners are perfectly representative of the average person in Britain.
Democracy is dead if we have a second referendum, especially if we lose it.
We can time travel back to 1975 if we leave the EU, but only the good bits.
The best way to ingratiate ourselves with our largest European trading partner is to keep talking about the war. Reminiscing - such fun!
The less you understand Brexit, the more you must talk about it in military terms.
There's no such thing as Too Much Boris Johnson.
GATT Article 24 is a thing when it comes to Brexit. Honest, it is. Maybe if you think of it as Article XXIV?
Pointing out that demographic changes since the referendum favour Remain is the same as wishing old people dead. "Why not just go the whole hog, and kill them yourself?"
It said "Brexit Day is fixed as 29 March 2019" on the 2016 referendum ballot paper, in letters so faint only a dog could see them.
Chris Grayling is a transport Demi-God.
The EU is such a weak, failing institution, it risks collapsing if you blow on it.
The EU are bullies that keep bossing us around, and dictating terms to Theresa May.
Our reality is better than your reality, because ours is British reality!
Every time you deny Brexit, a unicorn dies. Murderer!
International law is more of a suggestion.
Two Brexits enter, one Brexit leaves.
It is normal for your friends to pay for your private jet travel. What are friends for?
Exaggeration and mistaken predictions are much, much worse than criminal lawbreaking. Don't even look at me with those Remainer eyes!
The hardness of the most desirable Brexit increases exponentially as we get closer to Brexit Day.
One day, we'll all be dead.