Trent East -- a white nationalist @HaralsonSheriff jailer (currently suspended) and @AlabamaNG member -- who we recently exposed, was interviewed in today's @TimesGeorgian.
East crams a surprising amount of untruths into a short space.
Legion of Saint Ambrose is explicitly "Christian" white power group.
Are we to believe that Williams & East just engaged in interfaith dialogue, without reference to shared white nationalist convictions?
Not very plausible.…
(East wearing Wotan Network shirt in pic)
Unlikely that @HaralsonSheriff Deputy Sheriff East just engaged in lofty spiritual conversation with Reed.
@AlabamaNG guardsman and @HaralsonSheriff jailer East claims that he believed that a speech by racist leader Richard Spencer would just be about "Confederate monuments", and that East left early when Spencer began with white power stuff.
Note that East refers to racist Ryan King (League of the South) as one of "our guys". East includes Nazi salute "Hail victory!"
When Trent East left the Spencer event, it was with @GeorgiaGuard white nationalist/"Ravensblood Kindred" member Dalton Woodward, plus the rest of Richard Spencer's supporters, after speech finished.
Our original article about Trent East:…
Further info on Trent East's friendship with Atomwaffen Division neo-Nazi Corwyn Carver: