The biblical narrative also routinely equates life with breath –– the major Genesis story tells us that the adam (human) formed from the adamah (earth) isn’t life until God breathes through them.
Not to mention that Jeremiah himself curses the day he was born (20:14-18).
Usually it means the opposite.
I was raised in a fundamentalist tradition that saw the Roe decision as Satan himself.
And they figured out what biblical scriptures they could use/abuse.
Jesus isn’t pro-life.
He’s pro-quality of life.
Don’t you care about the dead child? Jesus won’t be swayed. He stays with the woman.
But to Jesus, her quality of life matters.
All I’m saying is: the Bible isn’t a boring old repository of answers, like fundamentalists claim. It’s way more complex.
And I’m a man who is never going to tell a woman what to do with her body. Just wanted to offer up a little bible #onhere.