My personal manifesto on vaccines in the context of measles outbreaks and as an Epi PhD student with a small child under the age of 1.
A thread.
Grab some popcorn and settle in.
#Parenthood #StudentParent #EpiTwitter
My undergraduate thesis looked at school rates of vaccines on Vashon and found no #herdimmunity for ANY vaccine preventable disease in 2012.
There are 2 grocery stores, where everyone shops.
The schools share facilities, have student mentor exchanges, etc.
There are regular student trips to the 1 senior center.
Did I mention it’s an island?
It's dry tinder.
Enter the baby!
I was terrified that he would be exposed to pertussis or measles before he was old enough to be vaccinated.
But what to do?

Guys - there was a run on the pharmacy. They ran out of #TDap boosters.
Because vaccine effectiveness wains!
(Article for children, but a good illustration of waining immunity)
See: Duration of Pertussis Immunity After DTaP Immunization: A Meta-analysis…

Which, again, Vashon does not.
All of this meant that some family had to wait to meet the baby which was SUPER HARD, & I still feel guilty, but would do it again.
Long story short, he got the vaccine.
We also asked them to get a flu vaccine this fall. AND THEY DID!
#MMR #VaccinesWork
1. I’ve been in #publichealth for years, and my son likely has had a larger public health impact than me with the number of people who got #boosters so they could meet him.
2. It’s ok to ask people to get vaccinated if they want to be around your kids.