Third attempt I’ve seen in the past 2 weeks.
The other two involved a claim that Russians assisted Trudeau to win in 2015, and CPC may challenge a Liberal win in court.
This is EXACT same strategy used by Trump in 2016.
Trump stated he didn’t have confidence in vote count & election outcome prior to election.
Then he, and many of his minions made unbelievable accusations of massive voter fraud after the election.……

And then there’s this:
Video proof the CPC are planning to use the same strategy in Canada.
@rcmpgrcpolice @ElectionsCan_E @JustinTrudeau
@visionsurreal @VickerySec
CPC is up to their old election tricks, cheats and fraud.
Volunteer as a election monitor.
Even if CPC doesn’t win, the civic unrest they are fomenting with this behaviour will further destabilize this nation’s unity & could lead to violent protests.
It’s called a conspiracy.
Come July 1, 2019, this tweet is a crime, under the new Elections Modernization Act.
Prior to the pre-writ period it is not a crime, unfortunately.
Guaranteed this disinformation will be picked up by foreign & domestic actors looking to influence the electorate.
Saudi Arabia?
How about all of the above.
Coordinated propagation of disinformation by foreign entities to foment division & distrust among the Canadian electorate, skirting current Canadian Law.
Coordinated Propagation services by foreign bad actors is a donation in kind. Coordinated propagation would reveal a previously arranged plan (AKA a conspiracy). Certainly grounds to legally challenge the election results, if there is a CPC win, IMHO.
@slammingantelo1 @gtlem perhaps you could suggest people with the technical expertise and political investment in Canada to perform this task pro bono?
And low and behold there are in multiple mediums:…

Canadians need to familiarize themselves with the new regulations. That’s how WE can use the SYSTEM to work for Canada & democracy.