Five days later on April 11th, Omer Hassan...
Amid increasingly more frustration within the TMC, who quickly began to violently show The People of Sudan that they DID NOT WANT TO HAND OVER POWER TO CIVILIANS as was demanded &...
Hundreds of peaceful protesters were killed; many...
Violent & deadly actions all fully-mandated & authorised by the very same TMC that had ousted Omer al-Bashir in the name of “The People’s Revolution away from Dictatorship”. By using its brutal &..
Today, the 30th June, The People of Sudan are “peacefully” marching...
The World must be watching & looking-on closely. The...…
@AUC_MoussaFaki @PMEthiopia @AsstSecStateAF @FCOIrfan @SenatorRisch @RepEliotEngel
Donald Booth says there is a lot of common interest among international partners…