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Sep 4th 2022
🧵In less than 2 months, #Myanmar & #Russia met at least 3 times via high-level physical visits. #Military chief now making 2nd trip to Russia with his last one only in mid-July. Attending Eastern Economic Forum, he'll likely engage Russian defence again #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
#Russia's Vladivostok Eastern Economic Forum's aimed at attracting investments into Russia. Unclear if Russian President Putin will attend. Since #Moscow attacked #Ukraine 5 months ago, nations like #US & #EU have introduced/expanded sanctions on Russia #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Economic sanctions & #RussiaUkraineWar have certainly impacted #Russia. Same goes for #Myanmar where prolonged #militarycoup for over a year has caused many foreign firms to pull out/stop investments & brought economy to its knees… #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
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Nov 8th 2021
THREAD: A year ago today Nov 8, #Myanmar held its elections where #AungSanSuuKyi #NLD won in an even bigger landslide than 2015 with over 80% of total contested seats. But this win has led to a #militarycoup takeover on Feb 1 (1/5)
#Myanmar citizens' resounding support for #AungSanSuuKyi #NLD caught all especially military by surprise. The results caused greater discomfort for #military who used that as a key basis to stage a #coup alleging electoral fraud which independent election observers refute (2/5)
9 months into #Myanmar #militarycoup, World Bank estimates an almost 20% #economic contraction this year, drive-by shootings becoming common, collapsed education & healthcare sectors. Over 220,000 displaced. @aapp records over 1,200 people have died (3/5) #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar
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Sep 6th 2021
#Myanmar foreign ministry issues statement accusing the #UN of "selectively targeting" the nation by using "exaggerated numbers & figures which are not verifiable". Accuses UN team in #Yangon of not communicating/verifying information with the ministry #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
This comes just ahead of upcoming Sept 14 #UN's 75th General Assembly where world leaders will gather & where it'll be determined whose credentials of the #Myanmar representative UN will accept. That of a #Military nominee or 1 by civilian @NUGMyanmar? #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Seemingly in a tit-for-tat, #Myanmar #military also targeted foreign, local aid staff working inside nation by asking organizations to fire at least 230 of them. @WHO & other #UN agency staff identified. Concerning as their work vital especially now #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Read 6 tweets
Jun 3rd 2021
🧵on #accountability & the work of #IIMM. Many have criticized the #UN in the last 4 months for only issuing statements & expressing 'grave concern.' But behind the scenes people are actively working towards a mechanism that will ensure accountability. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
1. Already in September 2018, the @UN_HRC has established an "ongoing independent mechanism to collect, consolidate, preserve and analyse evidence of the most serious international crimes and violations of international law committed in #Myanmar since 2011
2. The #IIMM will "facilitate and expedite fair and independent criminal proceedings, in accordance with international law standards, in national, regional or international courts or tribunals that have or may in the future have jurisdiction over these crimes", eg ICJ and ICC
Read 14 tweets
Jun 1st 2021
🧵Today marks four months since the #MilitaryCoup in #Myanmar - my heart is heavy thinking of all those whose loved ones have been killed, have gone missing or are detained. Thinking of all the parents who have lost their children, especially. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #June1Coup Image
2. Thinking of all the brave students and pupils of #GenerationZ who have lost their education and their social contacts. Of all workers who have lost their jobs and struggle to feed their families. Of soldiers who know they are committing crimes but don’t know how to get out.
3. Thinking of all the Myanmar expats safe in other countries watching their home country and the suffering of their families from afar, feeling helpless and that they are not doing enough. For all the journalists and human rights defenders in hiding who can’t speak out any more.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 3rd 2021
THREAD 21 of writing against the 🪖-coup is a thread in which I will look at what the so-called “international community” can/might/won’t do for the #CivilDisobedienceMovementMyanmar #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #March3Coup #RejectTheMilitary #UN #EU @UNHumanRights @coe @RapporteurUn Image
1. The calls for “action” are getting louder. And rightly so! From the moment 19-year old Mya Thwet Thwet Khine was shot, the police/military has continued committing the most serious crimes. To shoot, beat, and arrest peaceful protestors is against national and international law
2. Since #Feb28Coup the day of #MilkTeaAlliance protests we have seen an escalation in violence by the military which no longer targets protestors but bystanders. It is also clear that people are getting executed: shot in the head.Result is instant incapacitation and likely death
Read 31 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
Dear international whosoever,
Please don’t blame #Myanmar people if you are receiving tons of messages and mentioned tweets. People are very new to Twitter. Growing up under the past #military regime, we didn’t learn proper English. (1)
The only thing people know is we need to inform the World about #militarycoupinMyanmar and #PoliceBrutalityinMyanmar Twitter is the fastest way to do so. So, we jump in, we tweet, we mentioned. Because these are the things we can do with our limited knowledge and capacities. (2)
People clearly know what it looks like living under the #militaryjunta This fight against the #militarycoup has to be the final and we need to win this. So, people will grasp every straw they can to get out of this brutal and inhumane #militarydictatorship (3)
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Aug 16th 2020
Protestors likely wrapping up the anti-government/pro-democracy protest after more than 9 hours in #Thailand #Bangkok by belting out the Les Misérables song "Do You Hear the People Sing?" In English and followed by Thai.  #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ #WhatsHappensinThailand
Massive pro-democracy/anti-government protest in #Thailand #Bangkok has ended after more than 9 hours with at least 10,000 people. Protestors want government to step down, change constitution, stop state intimidation. #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ #WhatsHappensinThailand(FB screengrabs) ImageImageImageImage
#Thailand #Bangkok pro-democracy protesters singing "Do You Hear the People Sing?" again in #Thai to mark hours of gathering in unprecedented turnout since the #militarycoup about 6 years ago. What next after this Sunday mass rally? #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ #WhatsHappensinThailand
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Jun 28th 2019
June 27-28: ‘Regime change’ #MilitaryCoup anniversary dates in #Guatemala & #Honduras: a somber reminder from @rightsaction…
On June 27, 1954, Jacobo Arbenz – Guatemala’s elected President – was forced from office, after a drawn out, U.S. orchestrated military coup against Arbenz’ government.
On June 28, 2009, Mel Zelaya @MelZelayaR#Honduras’ elected President – was forced out of the country at gun point, in a military #coup legitimized & supported by the #US @StateDept & #Canada @CanadaFP
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