Algorithms aren’t neutral. So can we trust them?
As more and more decisions are made for us by these complex pieces of code, @hey_alirae explores trust issues in a world run by algorithms.
Watch episode 1 of #AllHailTheAlgorithm:

- Australia’s robo-debt scandal
- How inequality is being automated
- The COMPAS algorithm in the US
We discussed all of this with @Asher_Wolf & Virginia Eubanks (@PopTechWorks) and Sharad Goel (@5harad)

An algorithm was at the heart of this scandal.
We’ve explained it with some help from @Asher_Wolf:
Here’s @PopTechWorks on how automation can make unfair systems unfairer #AllHailTheAlgorithm
Here’s how the COMPAS algorithm is used in US courtrooms by judges
Here’s what @5harad, @Asher_Wolf and @PopTechWorks told us when we asked them how we can make algorithms more trustworthy #AllHailTheAlgorithm