I am appalled at @joerayment91 bringing Bath Labour Party into disrepute, by accusing the 75% who supported this motion of “denying the lived experience of Jewish people in our party in favour of blind loyalty", inferring that we are racist.
The motion was *not* denying antisemitism. It is #Panorama who denied the "lived experience" of the many Jewish people in Labour who didn’t fit their narrative. And Joe Rayment sought to do the same by voting against the motion.
It is right and fair to want an *evidence led* investigation without a predetermined outcome.
This motion was *not* about criticising whistleblower testimony, but expecting ...
... reasonable steps be taken to fact check accounts, assess credibility, provide counter opinion and context.
The @BBC @BBCPanorama breached their own Charter on “due impartially”.
The brief motion covered just a few key points. I agreed with Joe's reference to The McPherson Report, and that institutional racism is not just about stats. However, this just further highlights what #Panorama had neglected to investigate and report.

By choosing to ignore the steps taken by the Labour Party since @JennieGenSec took over as General Secretary, and commenting critically about our party rather than the Panorama programme, like Tom Watson, Joe is complicit in creating a perception ...

... that antisemitism is more prevalent in the Labour Party than wider society.
Joe not only unfairly disparaged our Party, he is guilty of stoking-up fear within the Jewish community by weaponising this issue. That is unconscionable.