Let’s talk about a piece written by former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami in the highly credible (!) @guardian.
While banned from the media in Iran, Khatami is used by the regime to spread propaganda abroad. This proves he is nothing but a pawn for the mullahs.

Khatami claims Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful.
Iran has the know-how to build a bomb fairly swiftly, perhaps in a matter of months, said David Albright, a physicist who runs the DC-based Institute for Science and International Security.
Khatami says, “Rouhani’s government succeeded in concluding the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – known as the Iran nuclear deal – with six other world powers.”
Notice how he uses the word “other” in an attempt to portray Iran’s regime as a world power.
Listen to Sen. Marco Rubio describe the JCPOA as a bad deal.
Khatami goes on to criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to exit the JCPOA.
Listen to Dr. Walid Phares describing the JCPOA as a bad deal.
Khatami says Trump has waged an economic war against the Iranian people.
Typical Tehran talking point, claiming sanctions deprive Iranians of medicine.
All the while, the regime’s own state-run media outlets boast about sending medicine to Venezuela.
Furthermore, Iran’s regime provides money for Hezbollah terrorists yet claims U.S. sanctions are targeting the Iranian people.
Hear it from Hezbollah chief Hassan Nassrollah.
Khatami says, “… the Trump admin has moved against the very principles of dialogue.”
However, President Trump has constantly expressed his readiness to talk with the mullahs’ regime.
Shouldn’t the mullahs jump to this occasion?
On this issue, my knowledge of Iran’s regime tells me they know Trump is not Obama and giving in to talks with Washington – knowing there will be no Obama-style concessions – will be absolutely humiliating & back-breaking for the regime apparatus.
Moving on.
Considering the fact that Khatami is merely a pawn of the mullahs’ regime, his recent call for dialogue is simply another attempt to decrease pressures on Tehran & provide time for the ruling apparatus. He cares nothing about the Iranian people.
Reading the article, we see Khatami using Tehran talking points to the max:
-attempting to separate Trump from his admin
-claiming Iran never violated the JCPOA
-“It is easy to destroy, but far harder to build.” (Repeated constantly by @JZarif during his recent U.S. visit)
Finally, listen to Sen. Joe Lieberman expressing his support for U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to exit the JCPOA & impose sanctions targeting Iran’s regime.
This initiative enjoys bipartisan support in America.
Khatami, like all other regime officials and apologists/lobbyists, prefer a return to the Obama years when they enjoyed appeasement & concessions, with a green light to making life a living hell for Iranians & nations across the region.