Aug 7th 2019, 52 tweets, 19 min read Read on Twitter
‼️Trump tears at the very fabric of our society by dividing us, dehumanizing us, inflaming hate, inciting violence— his hateful & abusive rhetoric leaves us horrified & most importantly makes us less safe.


Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses
The new law nullifies an Obama-backed rule that added people with mental illnesses to the national background check database.…
PBO recommended the now-nullified regulation in a 2013 memo following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook School, which left 20 first graders and six others dead. The measure sought to block some people with severe mental health problems from buying guns.…
🔑Reminder the Sandy Hook tragedy happened on the same day Obama signed the Magnitsky Act — Dec 14, 2012.

🔑Obama signs trade, human rights bill (Magnitsky Act) that angers Moscow…
🔑Manafort Bros volunteered to raze the Sandy Hook shooter (Lanza) home for free.…
📌The families of the victims of Sandy Hook said they endured years of harassment from people (led by Alex Jones) who insist the 2012 attack was a hoax staged by the government to promote gun control😱…
📌Trump’s long time buddy Alex Jones (Infowars) was obsessed with spinning outrageous & unconscionable Sandy Hook hoax conspiracy theories which created “a seven-year open wound” for the families.…
The infamous June 9, 2016 TRump Tower meeting
🔑Putin Sought Sanction Relief stemming from the Magnitsky Act & counted on TeamTrump to effect its repeal post election.
At the heart of the Sandy Hook massacre is the Magnitsky Act.…
In the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, Alex Jones, claimed that the shooting had been a “false-flag” attack designed to rile up anti-gun sentiment.…
RU sanctions bill (CAATSA), passed the House on 7/25/17 by H 419-3 & by Senate 98-2

📌8/2/17 Trump angrily signed the RU sanctions bill calling the legislation "significantly flawed" & said it included "a number of clearly unconstitutional provisions."…
📌Trump Adm ignored the 10/1/17 deadline to implement the new RU sanctions.…
📌October 1, 2017 - A gunman fires from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino on a crowd of 30,000 gathered on the Las Vegas Strip for the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival.

📌At 58 people are massacred…
After a gunman killed 58 people in LV Oct 1, 2017, the RW media machine went into overdrive spinning various conspiracy theories & countless videos appeared on YouTube claiming that the victims were “actors,”in an familiar effort to muddy the waters.…
Oct 4, 2017: Incensed Sean Hannity Says Talking Gun Control After Las Vegas Is ‘Shameful’
The Fox News host said it was “despicable” to “politicize” the mass shooting with talks of gun control.😱

Watch Video…
Jones has stated that Paddock wasn't the only perpetrator of the massacre, & that it was scripted by Democrats in the so-called "Deep State". He previously called the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, CT. a "hoax," and 9/11 an "inside job."…
"Vegas is as phony as a three dollar bill or as Obama's birth certificate," Jones said on an episode of "The Alex Jones Show.” “They've been ordered not talk about it because it's all part of this deal that Trump's got with the Saudis," Jones said.…
Interesting comment...Deza always contains seeds of truth.🤔

What happened in Trump/Saudi world in September/October 2017?

9/18/17 Khoshoggi published his op ed bashing MbS in WaPo—we know how that ended.…
Oct 25, 2017 Kushner left Washington, D.C., via commercial airline on Wednesday for the trip, which was not announced to the public to meet MbS & rumor haz it passed MbS intel on the Royal Family.

He traveled separately from TreasSec Steven Mnuchin…
10/25/17: Mnuchin imposed sanctions on 8 people & a biz affiliated w/ the Islamic State in Yemen & with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in the first coordinated action taken w/ a newly formed center to combat “terrorist financing” led by the US & Saudi.…
11/4/17 MbS consolidated power & crushed his rivals in a 'shakedown' at the Ritz-Carlton

Royals & others held at the hotel after a Nov. 4, 2017, roundup were subjected to extortion, psychological abuse & torture, US officials say.

What was Kush’s role?…
IDK if related at all, but it’s seems Kush & Bagman Mnuchin fell all over themselves to appease Saudi & shower them with favor post LV shooting.

FBI closed case stating the case was cold “no leads,’ but did a counterintel Investigation commence in It’s stead? I bet so.
Saudi-Russian Oil Fling Becomes a Marriage to Last an ‘Eternity’…
FEB 13, 2018
Trump’s Top Intelligence Officials Contradict Him on Russian Meddling

The intelligence community has a stark warning about Russia’s intentions to interfere in the 2018 elections.…
📌Parkland Shooting:

📌On February 14, 2018, a gunman opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing seventeen students and staff members and injuring seventeen others.…
Parkland school shooting: RW media accuse students of being manipulated by the Democratic Party, running interference for the F.B.I., representing antifa activists, & being bankrolled by Soros, both of which are favorite bogeymen of the far right.…
🔼🔽The same folks who spun false conspiracy theories & narratives abt Seth Rich, did so about 9/11, Sandy Hook, PizzaGate, Parkland, LV, Pulse & more & vociferously attacked the Rule of Law & our FBI, NSA, CIA, SCO & those expert in RU/TOC. Funny that.😱
I digressed, back to my point. TeamTrump, GOP, NRA, RU (Torshin & Butina), Saudi are all complicit in this American Carnage.

NRA armed & psyoped the radical RW, demonizing HRC, liberals, Muslims & immigrants via Cambridge Analytica & horrific videos.…
The NRA “applauded” Trump’s action repealing the Obama era gun checks for the mentally disabled .

Chris Cox, NRA executive director, said the move “marks a new era for law-abiding gun owners, as we now have a president who respects & supports our arms.”…
🔑Let that sink in, TeamTrump, GOP & NRA cheered that Trump’s repeal via EO allowed people who receive Social Security checks for the mentally disabled (people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs) could buy guns without restriction.…
The mentally disabled are vulnerable & unstable. Were these people ID’d in chatrooms, profiled via FB, & microtargeted with hateful propaganda via the Internet?

This is like lighting a match to a tinderbox #TreeOfLife #NZ #ElPaso #MagaBomber, #Parkland…
Left without comment:

As Wylie describes Cambridge Analytica, he was the gay Canadian vegan who somehow ended up creating “Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare mindf*ck tool”.

Bannon wanted to create a culture war, a civil war between a divided America. #Charlottesville.…
5/19:”How do you stop these people?” Someone in the audience shouted out, “Shoot them.” Rather than rebuking this person, Trump paused, smirked, and quipped, “That’s only in the Panhandle you can get away with that stuff.”😱…
Then the horrific Gilroy, El Paso & Dayton mass shootings happened.

Five days before El Paso TeamTrump trolls were salivating for a conflict predicting ‘Antifa’ violence there.

Was Nunes’ “Hunting Chupacabras” a signal? IDK, you be the judge. 🔼🔽

🔑Trump’s Words Are Poison

Trump has done more than any politician in living memory to fan the flames of ethnic and racial antipathy and nurture a culture of bigotry.

Trump demonizes & dehumanizes the ‘other.’ & his depraved base laps it up. 😱…
In the wake of the recent horrific mass shootings, Trump/GOP contend Mental illness, video games are to blame, not guns!

Yet they gleefully gave the mentally disabled, who are deemed incompetent to handle their personal affairs, the right to buy guns.…
At the same time GOP have launched a ten year battle to kill the ACA & defund medicare/Medicaid to rip HC & treatment away from these vulnerable people.

It seems they want to exploit the most vulnerable in our society to incite gun violence/CW2.0.…
Joe Biden’s speech in Iowa puts Trump to shame…
Biden recounted the parade of Trump horribles — from Charlottesville (“very fine people on both sides”) to raising fear of a refugee “invasion” to calling Baltimore a “disgusting, rat-infected and rodent mess” that “no human being” would choose to live in.…
Biden accuses Trump of pouring fuel on the fire, retweeting white nationalist messages and cutting funding to fight domestic, white nationalist terrorism. He said Trump’s invoking of mental health as the issue was “a dodge”…
Biden made the case that Trump fundamentally doesn’t understand the job.

“Trump offers no moral leadership; seems to have no interest in unifying this nation, no evidence the presidency has awakened his conscience in the least,” he said.…
“Indeed we have a president with a toxic tongue who has publicly and unapologetically embraced a political strategy of hate, racism and division.”

🔑Biden then called on the country to take up the challenge and do what Trump can’t.…
“Stand together. Stand against hate. ...

Treating everyone with respect.

Giving everyone a fair shot.

Leaving nobody behind.

Giving hate no safe harbor.”…
The essence of America is its creed. Ironically (or tragically), this is how conservatives used to talk, before they became yes-men for Trump or argued that his defacing democracy was tolerable because of judges or tax cuts.…
Biden told voters: “Everyone knows who Donald Trump is.

We need to show them who we are.

We choose hope over fear. Science over fiction.

Unity over division.

And, yes — truth over lies.”…
Trump adm cut programs to fight far-right extremism and white supremacy in US in the wake of the LV shooting (2017)

📌Trump & his GOP enablers are making America vulnerable & less safe.

📌7/29/19: The Trump administration gutted programs aimed at detecting weapons of mass destruction…
It is long past time we fight to restore our core American values & ideals.

It’s up to us the repudiate Trump & enablers who wish to weaken & harm us via violence, chemicals, less clean air, water, consumer protection, weaker labor laws etc.

Vote DEM — Save our Democracy.
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