Both,India & Pak, retained colonial era #hatespeech law to punish those who insult Abrahamic(but not Hinduism).India's SCourt has punished many for insulting Abrahamic but no one for insulting Hinduism:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_spee… … #Hinducharter
Hindu minority is victim of genocide, terrorism & govt's #antiHindu #discriminatory policy. Sign #HinduCharter petition: hinducharter.org/sign-the-chart…

nonHindu subsidy increased by 56% or Rs. 7010cr
fuel subsidy cut by Rs. 25000cr
Sales tax increased by 46%
income tax rate increased by 6%
Demand end of #antiHindu system. Sign #HinduCharter petition: hinducharter.org/sign-the-chart…
Majority of massacres in India are of Hindus. Many Extremists like Dravidian,Maoists,Islamist,Khalistani,Christianist target Hindus but Govt GAG orders & twisted media narrative help enact new #antiHindu laws. Sign #HinduCharter:hinducharter.org/hindu-charter-…

a)Disagree with part of charter(note: this applies to me)
b)False dichotomy: Pseudo-Secular Indiafirst Vikas now, Charter later
Constitutn #equality is heart of charter. Sign if you believe in #equality

5cr * avg. scholarship amt Rs. 10,074.7 per student = Rs. 50,373.48cr
Rs. 50,000cr is more than sum total of #appeasement amount spent by Cong since 1947.
#hindcharter is Last hope: hinducharter.org/hindu-charter-…
Eligibility: 50%mark & stay/become nonHindu
Modi Outlay: Rs 50000cr over 5yr
Eligible expenses: Tuition+living+maint
Annual amt/stu: Rs 5000 to Rs 300000(PostGrad)
- persecute & subdue hindus and tradition.
- confiscate hindu temples & schools.
- spl. rights & patronage of nonHindu rel.
- actively help those who convert out of Hinduism.
- Oppose Gharvapsi.
MMS provided 75% funding to non-Hindu #discriminatory scheme. Modi increased it from 75% to 100%:-