There is only 1 issue on #Brexit and it's this. If brexiters couldn't put together a Brexit deal that they could *all* agree on then the likes of @iainmartin1 @iaindale @montie and every other brexiterneed to own that and grow the f**k up
You all insisted it was May's fault because she didn't believe. You all insisted a "proper brexiter" would sort this and he just went through the motions.
Own it for God's sake
No deal is either a nightmare for both sides or a doddle. It cannot be "project fear" for us but project reality to scare the EU into a deal. Pick one, you bloody charlatans
But they can't have what they voted for, it doesn't exist, so why should the rest of us suffer?
If Brexit could be done, you'd have found a deal you could all agree on, but you didn't, so grow up and take ownership
Grow up. It was on you to get a deal and you couldn't agree what you wanted