@UN @Refugees @AfricanUnionUN @MYANC @GovernmentZA @AfricanUnionUS
@CyrilRamaphosa 👇👇👇
The president of this country has failed, the minister of correctional services & public works also failed to fix d crime committed by foreigners.
Minister Motsoaledi also failed & opened d gates for them.
South Africa smells of the churches they have, they have everything that we as citizens do not.
Children are victims of nyaope, hoonga, they are already dead. All your churches shld close.
We will blow bombs everywhere, South Africa will be drenched in blood. Smell of blood and smoke from gunfire across the country.
Leave the country before next week.
the trucks will be burned, shops, bars, internet cafes, sewing companies, shopping malls, we will burn them all. We don't want foreigners here.
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@Chinamission2un @Ethiopia_UN @mfaethiopia @wfp_mozambique @tanzania @TheCitizenTZ @RwandaGov @pid_gov @rashtrapatibhvn @IndianExpress