Let's look ahead to what this actually means in practice.

Imagine if this has been fully implemented for 6-8 months by next Nov. Why, he's "solved the border crisis!" By doing deals!
Now imagine the Democratic nominee trying to convince us that we should, actually.
[Clip of #migrantcaravan in scary washed-out B+W]
VOICEOVER: President Trump's leadership ended the caravans and protected our homeland from fraudulent asylum seekers
[B+W clip of Elizabeth Warren]
VO: Now Democrats want to bring this crisis *back to our border*
They'll be told that we've solved it. Good enough!
All gone!
Where did they go? Somewhere else, probably. Not here!
As a nation, we've never been great at object permanence.
Back to brunch, just where we would have been if President Hillary Clinton had inevitably carried Obama's legacy of detention + deportation forward.
I've always believed the wall is at least in part preparing for this as well.
We've already set their houses on fire. Now we're just locking and barring the doors from the outside.
I'm generally against despair, but it's been a long week & I'm indulging myself a bit--just for tonight. Tomorrow I'll be back up and at it in ICE detention.