a #twitternist #clinicalreasoning and #implicitbias reflection
Wanted to share 2vignettes with you #medtwitter, w permission (identities, some details changed)
Both involve rapid thinking, stretched foci of attention, unanticipated clinical events->
Seeing last pt in morning session, 45 mins back
Finishing up, see another pt’s e mail & message on desk phone
Need 2finish up w pt in front of me, but odd message left in both places
Call back - 72 yo man, remote preDM but got that BMI to 23 long ago, ->
Pt: Dr. C, I feel better now, but ..(uh oh) when I woke had a discomfort in my L neck, felt sweaty. That’s all gone for a few hours now, I think I’m fine. But I don’t have my appetite ->
Me: uh, ____ , no no. There’s some chance this is your heart, you do realize? I know, not a lot of overwhelming RF, but .. ->
Phone medicine/triage. He hesitated, but relented.
Hemodynamically stable there, but ST waves - tall ones, inferior wall, big troponins. Cath/RCA stent 45 mins later.
30 mins behind during an AM session. Knock on the door from my fabulous nurses triaging calls.
Dr. C, one of your pts, S, she’s called with some pretty bad abd upset/ache in pit of her stomach.
I come out of pt’s room - ‘excuse me for just a sec’->
I recall S is a 63 yo woman, retired RN, trying to give up cigs for 10 yrs, very mild HTN (pronounced response to meds so far) and lipids, devoted to her Mom (also my pt), who->
Interesting thing - S was mid way thru 21 days of doxy for Lyme/ECM I dxd 2 wks prior, loves long walks w her dog, wooded areas in neighborhood.
Fast thinking, a blink of time -> doxy can be so hard on the stomach->
I go back to pts. Phone medicine/triage.
S’s pain just crescendoed, unbearable->
Hemodynamically stable, in pain. Risk factors, a woman told to pick up some ranitidine. T waves, tall ones. Troponins - big. Cath lab, stented 45 mins later.
What WAS my clinical reasoning during those intra session messages from other pts?
I was way off in the woman. I anchored on so much ->
The availability #bias, the ‘within case’ momentum bias,
But another larger worry ->
Name it
Think of it
Step back, diagnostic TIME OUT in women who can have coronary presentations - ‘what else can it be?’->
A nice piece re: diagnostic biases ->
cc @DxRxEdu @rabihmgeha @andrewolsonmd @mmteacherdoc @reverendofdoubt