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Ok, tired of working on crypto finance software for the day. Gonna do something fun for next 48 hours. This thread will be live tweets as I work on @ramijames EOS Chess challenge. Goal to have finished by Thursday at 5 PM UTC. Starting now ...
@ramijames Just created LAMP cloud server.
@ramijames Just bought domain because that's whacha do in the EOS dev community. Pointed it to server. Waiting for DNS to propagate.
@ramijames DNS looks good now. Uploaded blank HTML page to server with some text to verify.
@ramijames Added asset folders and placeholder files. Added gradient background to page and Raleway font from Google Fonts.

Grabbing lunch. Be back in an hour to continue.
@ramijames Ok, back from lunch. Had to drive through flooded road but no probs, sandwich was worth it. Getting back to it ..
@ramijames Now for the basics. I guess I'll start with the chess board. I forgot the whole Javascript canvas time step animation frame stuff so just gonna use a library because I'm lazy. Checking out PixiJS. Reading documentation, prob be 20 min.
@ramijames Read documentation to sorta understand. Uploaded PixiJS lib. Added code to main JS file for PixiJS container. Created placeholder black and white board tile images and uploaded files. Now coding tile sprites and board layout. Prob take another 30-45 min.
@ramijames Added rule to DNS real quick to force HTTPS.
@ramijames Ok, first attempt at drawing board using PixiJS. Lol, sad.
@ramijames Had to take a min to cry over my portfolio. Back to work. Working on chess gameplay logic.
@ramijames Converting chess rules from Javascript to smart contract in C++. Gonna add some placeholder graphic chess pieces on board within next couple hours just so there is something visual on site while I work on backend stuff.
@ramijames Added logo and chess piece placeholder sprites. Thanks to GameSupplyGuy on Itchio for chess piece graphics. Continuing to work on backend, probably take most of the day and carry into tomorrow morning. Will spruce up visuals here and there when in-between coding.
@ramijames Listening to @mBluCrypto awesome song "Mr Spaceman" on #Emanate while I code. Check it out if you haven't been there.

To Emanate: Small bug. If form submit more than once, requests overlap instead of prev reqs aborting (I think).
@ramijames @mBluCrypto Ahhhh ... just found out PixiJS doesn't have animation capability, which is why I decided to use a 3rd party lib. Prob should have used PhaserJS instead. Oh well, we're in too deep now, gonna have to code animation myself.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto Ok, threw together some uggggggly animation code on the site (no fps limit). Just has pieces randomly moving to open spaces. Might have to use some sort of "math" to pinpoint the right angle. Right now just checks both x and y and increments / decrements 🤪
@ramijames @mBluCrypto Gonna grab dinner. Afterwards listening to @finchify podcast "Bullish". Check it out, there's non-EOS stuff also for those that aren't in the EOS ecosystem. As former WoW & Everquest player, I liked recent "Virtual Worlds" episode.

Be back in few hours.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify I'm back. Couldn't leave house because of downpour. Ended up making dinner from leftover stuff in fridge. Baby spinach, brats, blue cheese, orange zima tomatoes, thousand island dressing and choc milk to drink. Quite possibly the worst food combination ever devised. 0/5 stars. 🤢
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify Working on smart contract code. Using EOS Studio IDE for writing the contracts. You can also use the CLI directly (cleos) or I'll be working on this code for a couple hours and then call it a night. Will start back early morn👍
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify Added mouse over tile highlight and click event which tells you which row/col you clicked on. Just wanted to throw in a visual change to site. That's a wrap for the night.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify Mornin' everyone. 🙂Game plan for today ...
1. add all basic UI for app (menu, win, lose, etc)
2. refactor client-side game code
3. finalize smart contract
4. ScatterJS integration
5. enable player vs computer practice game
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify First, UI + UX. Gonna have perma UI and temp UI. Perma UI will be knowing who's turn it is and time limit. Temp UI will be the "pending", "you won" and "you lost" messages. Here is sketch ... and yes ... I already messed up app name + EOS at same time.😅Too late, photo taken.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify I suppose with all the menu/content swapping this can now be considered a SPA (single page application). Going to include a JS framework lib called VueJS to make building this simple SPA easier. You could also use ReactJS or Angular. Adding now, prob take 20-30 min.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify VueJS added. When you click button it shows simple turn/time UI. Time counts down to demonstrate content changing. When gets to zero it resets. This is VueJS in action, in its simplest form. Now working on temp UI which will overlay over chess board. Prob be 45-60 min.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify Overlay UI added. Uploaded CSS, JS and HTML. Code and design is pretty fugly but slowly getting towards something resembling a UX. Added buttons in modal overlay to demonstrate diff messages and to close modal and reset game. Taking break for an hour, have to run some errands. 👍
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify While I rest for sec, should suggest some YouTubes for the EOS students/beginners who contacted me. Here are few I watch ...


So many great channels, I'll suggest more later.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 I'm back. Next up, add create/join game UI. Create UI allows person to specify EOS riding on game and specify opponent account name. Join game UI will let them specify opponent then simulate looking for game and joining. Later, this UI is where ScatterJS is integrated. Prob 1 hr.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 Added most of basic create/join UI. Still have some stuff to wrap up but going to switch to backend work for a couple hours so I don't get lost in the time-void that is design/UI tweaking.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 If you're looking for tutorials on EOS smart contract development there are some good resources out there. @bitgensteinx has a cool Udemy course. I think you can get it for free by getting an invite code from him. (Sorry if I'm wrong)…
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx I'm Back. Time 4 ScatterJS integration ...
1. Install Scatter Desktop
2. Create EOS Testnet accnt and fund via faucet
3. Add ScatterJS lib to app
4. Update Login button code, use js lib to trigger Desktop wallet
5. Listen for resp with err or account data…
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx Wondering how website interacts with desktop software? I'm not expert but I think it registers a protocol URI "scheme". We're all familiar with "http" and "https" for the web. Apps can register custom one, like "gnoll", so if web code tries to load "gnoll://" it triggers app. 🤷‍♂️
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx Adding Login button logic. Able to load ScatterJS but ran into simple issue with missing JsonRpc function. I'm looking to find its parent object. Normally wouldn't be problem when I'm using import module but I'm doing this app in Vanilla JS.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx Ok, hit wall trying to get wallet/website integration working. I'm paying price for not setting everything up properly to begin with. Normally I'd use Webpack w/ Babel but tried to freestyle this one and now running into trouble. Working through it. 🥴
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx Updated trajectory of chess pieces to go in straight line to their destination instead of stopping at shortest destination axis and then continuing down longest axis. In other words, no more drunken pieces. Still scrambling all over board though ... more to come on that soon.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx Setting up build tools (Webpack, lib installs via yarn, etc). Treating this as refactoring step and cleaning up all my spaghetti code while I'm at it. Have login + much of transaction logic coded but not tested. Prob take few hours before I can test. Taking break for an hour. 👍
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx As I take break ... those that don't know, EOS is biggest chain using EOSIO software (I know, confusing). Are other cool chains running EOSIO like ... Telos, Worbli, Lynx Chain, BOS, MeetOne, Force, EU Chain, Beos and more. All have unique props and not just copies. Check'm out.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing Ok, finally moving along with web/wallet integration. Thanks @eosnewyork for Transit suggestion.

First time doing rush project 4 fun. Never had more respect for hackathon and gamejam devs than I do right now. Don't know how y'all work so quickly, truly remarkable. ✊
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork Well, going to call it a wrap for the night. Only accomplished about 40% of today's goals. 😬

Will ChessEOS be complete by tomorrow afternoon?
Not looking good, but I'm sticking with it till the end.

Like most crypto projects, the journey continues.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio Last night moved project into build tool env like proper developer.

Updated code for Vue CLI boilerplate project. Now working in actual .vue files, and with Webpack, Babel, eslint and Sass.

Couple hrs work w/ no visible changes but my file structure looks more serious 😅.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio Game plan today. Split work into smaller chunks.
- push new env to server
- add login logic from yesterday
- drag/drop chess piece to square
- add simple turn based game logic
- work on client-side trx code
- add contract that allows any move 4 testing
- write very bad chess AI
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio ✅push new env to server

Ok, took a while. Had to install build tools on server and since it cheapest DO server had to upgrade server because build tools built too slow 😂Then used nano in ssh term to edit apache conf to point to dist dir and restart.

Local/Remote env now sync.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio ✅ add login logic from yesterday

Easy integration with ES6 import. Now working on drag and drop chess pieces, pushing to server after this is complete.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio Drag and drop working for chess pieces but still working on code to have them snap on tile.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio While I'm out ... I noticed some ETH devs in mix. Did y'all know EOS can act as Layer 2 for ETH. @LiquidAppsIO and @loomnetwork have great things going on. LiquidApps can even write on the ETH chain from EOS. Check'm out.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork Ok, I'm back.

It's now 5:01pm UTC and I've missed my self-imposed deadline.

We know what that means ...

It means I'm like a legit dApp developer now. Publicly announce deadline. Miss it by mile. Just like all the greats.

Back to it then ...
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork Working on boring game logic stuff. Should have picked checkers. Prob be a few hours. I'll post vid as soon as I get chess pieces taking turns to move. 👍
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork I'm still alive. Just over here re-inventing wheel. Trying to get my game loop code to coordinate with my blockchain listener code. If I continue to hit a wall I'll prob need to switch to client-side work only, get that working well and then insert the more difficult chain stuff.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork ✅ add simple turn based game logic

Hacked together ugliest turn-based code ever. Know it's bad when you just wrote it and like, "I have no idea how this works". Run it and it just does 🤷‍♂️

Def gonna have to refactor tomorrow. 4 now, it's win. Still going to rando spots though😅
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork Working on some blockchain transaction code next where I can call transactions and listen for incoming transactions. Taking a break for an hour before I start. 👍
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork Speaking of blockchain listeners, there are awesome companies providing APIs for EOS and other EOSIO chains. Def good for popular and mission critical dapps. Here are a couple I'm aware of ...
@dfuseio (recently added #Worbli and #ETH👍)
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io I'm back. Working on client-side transaction (trx) lib now. Just finishing some simple functions that make it easier to send/receive chess game events in cleaner format than raw transaction calls. Prob will take about an hour🤷‍♂️
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io ✅ work on client-side trx code

Ok, done. Well, it's written and looks done. Need a contract deployed to verify, prob have to debug then.

Next, create barebones contract to handle deposits, log chess moves, payout. Deploy minimum needed to allow me to finish client-side of app.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io Contract-based chess rules validation probably last thing to tackle.

As long as the inputs and outputs of contract are correct, I can technically complete the client-side of things first.

I'll add client-side chess validation, complete app, then tackle contract validation.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io Making some progress.

Have been working in ETH Solidity for past month. Reacclimating into EOS env.

Using developer docs as reference to remind myself of macros and such. Basic set of structs and functions compiling without error.

Still working on payout code.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io ✅ add contract that allows any move 4 testing

Successfully compiled & deployed to local network. Real test when deploy Jungle Testnet in morning and use trx functions (need to mod slightly to use latest ABI).
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io Calling it a wrap for night. Good night.

Tomorrow should be best day for visual stuff to see because will actually be able to play chess (finally) AND see the worst chess AI ever written.

It's coming together ... kinda.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io Good morning. I'm back at it. The goals for today are ...

1. Write world's worst chess AI
2. Enable PvAI chess match
3. Deploy last night's contract to Jungle
4. Test trx code against Jungle & debug
5. Refactor game loop & anim
6. Update PvP UI
7. Enable PvP on Jungle
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io Going to be an intense day. For Twitter purposes I'm front-loading some visual changes (AI, PvAI). Normal project would probably do these last.

On to AI. Sounds difficult but have idea that is both horrible yet also save hours. Will provide info in a bit ...
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io Ok, been scoping a JS chess lib on Github. Has move() function with valid/invalid resp.

Chess is 8x8 grid, not much to loop through.

My plan ... create array 4 each square, shuffle array, rando select chess piece of curr player and iterate array calling move() till is valid.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io @jhlywa Just noticed chessboardJS.🤦‍♂️I've spent over a day of work writing something that's not even half as good when I could have just imported this lib from the start.

Note to self : look before you leap.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io @jhlywa Well folks, we've reached that time in project where you start questioning your programming and life choices.

In past 10 minutes I've just figured out that 90% of work I've done so far could have been accomplished with two lines of code.

Out to breakfast, be back in an hour ...
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io @jhlywa While I'm out ... did you know EOS has a vibrant community of artists. Check out @eos_pix (Pixeos) for some cool EOS-based art and games.

Also, check out @stellabelle Etsy page with a bunch of cool EOS and Mortys (EOS token) gear.…
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io @jhlywa @eos_pix @stellabelle I'm back.

Next step, integrate chess.js into game so it manages chess piece positions.

After that I need to update my PixiJS code to remove pieces from the board taken by the opponent.

Once complete I will then add the honey badger AI and update site so we can see AI vs AI.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io @jhlywa @eos_pix @stellabelle Ugggh... Still working on chess.js integration. Only about 30% through. Having to rewrite half my friggin game loop. (lib is great btw, my loop, not so much)

Scratching horrible goal list I wrote this morning. Planned out better list. Smaller chunks of work.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io @jhlywa @eos_pix @stellabelle We've now reached the "it'll be done when it's done" stage of the dev process. Trying to stay positive, lol.

Posting new list in sec. Hopefully more manageable. Likely to span over today and tomorrow. Hoping I can get all wrapped up by tomorrow night. 😩

Heading out to lunch.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io @jhlywa @eos_pix @stellabelle 1. Finish refactor game loop (w/ chess.js)
2. Update "move chess piece" function
3. Write honey badger AI function/loop
4. Test AI vs AI, upload to server for public
5. Update drag/drop chess piece code
6. Create Start/End UI for PvAI
7. Test PvAI, upload to server for public
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io @jhlywa @eos_pix @stellabelle 8. Test trx PvP code on local deployed contract
9. Debug trx PvP code and/or contract
10. Integrate trx PvP code w/ UI and Game Loop
11. Deploy contract to Jungle
12. Change trx PvP code settings to Jungle
13. Demonstrate first PvP game on Jungle
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io @jhlywa @eos_pix @stellabelle I've got good news and bad news.

The good news is Spider Man is now, once again, back in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Bad news is my game loop is progressing slooooowly. I'll post update as I near completion.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io @jhlywa @eos_pix @stellabelle ✅ Finish refactor game loop (w/ chess.js)

OMG finally. Lol, item 1 of 16 in what, like, 9 hours. 🤦‍♂️ This project is totally getting FUBAR. Ok, taking a break for an hour.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io @jhlywa @eos_pix @stellabelle While I take break ... if looking for info on EOS stable coins check out @EOSDT and @carbon_money.

Carbon has fiat -> EOS. @intrblokchn_io is launching incredible product using #Worbli that provides fiat <-> crypto for most top chains, including EOS.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io @jhlywa @eos_pix @stellabelle @EOSDT @carbon_money @intrblokchn_io ✅ Update "move chess piece" function

Ha! Only 15 minutes. Yes, I know it was just updating a single function but at this point I'll take whatever win I can get. On to honey badger AI so I can put up a new gif of the actual app for a change today.
@ramijames @mBluCrypto @finchify @EverythingEOSio @ColinTCrypto @AusCryptoTim @MaxDapp @EOSRadioLive @HappyMoneyMan1 @bitgensteinx @naomibrockwell @crypt0snews @TheCryptoLark @Crypto_Dunker @lukestokes @dallasirushing @eosnewyork @cmichelio @LiquidAppsIO @loomnetwork @dfuseio @eosinfra_io @jhlywa @eos_pix @stellabelle @EOSDT @carbon_money @intrblokchn_io Sorry everyone. Calling it a night.

Today was a big fail. As @c4chaos mentioned, I fell right into scope creep with shiny new lib instead of using what I had. Also focused too much on the superficial like AI.

Taking @AusCryptoTim suggestion, starting with PvP first tomorrow.
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