We work directly with those affected by this racially discriminatory ban. We listen to their stories every day.
This is just one 👇🏾
During the Iranian Green Movement, he was working for a local newspaper which published some of his photos of people protesting.
Zach* was whipped 40 times for having done his job.
And to top things off: he faces a two year prison term if he returns to Iran.
He's since filed a family petition for her--as she's currently living in Iran--& it was approved 1 month ago.
So they try to see each other in different countries (some of which require visas to enter).
This shouldn't be the case for ANY family.
Zach* & Lydia's* lives have been on hold for 2 years b/c of the #MuslimBan.
We demand real action to #RepealTheBan. No family should go through this. nomuslimbanever.com/repealtheban-p…