1) To all of us growing up in 90s the BOP crisis that India faced in 1990 was a time of great tumult. Over the years our fiscal profligacy..1/n
GoI then, hypothecated our Gold to get a bailout package. Our currency was allowed to devalue and our economy was opened.. 2/n

The UPA years were marked by overspending. The government spent more than it earned (through borrowings). If In 1990s our Fiscal Deficit was 8%+, in 2009 it was 6.6%..4/n
Our foreign reserves were agin too low to meet our import bills.
Causing investors to pull out money from India, which again caused our currency to fall..6/n
Modi came into office to reign in a Fiscal Monster. Modi 1 had no room financially to spend coz UPA2 had spent from the future...8/n
Nevertheless, make no mistake that today if @nsitharaman ma'am is able to offer lower corporate taxes, it is coz of the years of relentless Fiscal Prudence. 10/n