@RepBrianFitz is an expert witness in #UkraineScandal
Brian Fitzpatrick was former National Supervisor of FBI Anti Corruption Unit & stationed in Kyiv #Ukraine during time of Shokin the corrupt Prosecutor
Shokin who Trump praised very good

So our FBI Anti Corruption Supervisor Representative @RepBrianFitz believes Russian election interference is political? 🤔

@RepBrianFitz seems to have forgotten #CongressionalOversight

#CongressionalOversight is OVERSITE of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH including numerous Fed Agencies
3 methods of #CongressionalOversight are legislative committee, legislative veto & congressional investigation

Why is expert in #UkraineScandal FBI Supervisor of the Anti Corruption Unit so terrified of doing his job of #CongressionalOversight ?

➡ Trump admitted to asking foreign government to open an unfounded investigation on his political opponent
➡Trump told Russian officials in 2017 oval office meeting that he wasn't concerned about their 2016 election interference

He's elected Representative & FBI Supervisory Anti Corruption Officer he can't be bothered to investigate or enforce the rule of law
@RepBrianFitz stands with Trump as a complicit sycophant
What's @RepBrianFitz hiding?