That said, for many Americans Trump's extortion of Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election won't be enough to turn the impeachment dial.
Perhaps no Trump-created atrocity will ever be enough for these people.
These have been relegated to the Dishonorable Mentions shelf.
Here we go:





Now -> The Top 100 Reasons to Remove Donald Trump.
We're counting down what he's screwing up.
Diverting military funding to a border wall/fence.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump

Stripping science expertise from government.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump

Damaging America's reputation around the world.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump

Reckless and unnecessary trade wars.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump

Withdrawing the United States from its leadership role in the world.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump

Recklessly threatening nuclear war.
(OMG-there are 94 things worse than this!😱)
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump

Conspiring with Fox News to publish lies about the death of a DNC staffer.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump

Amplifying dangerous conspiracy theories.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump

Intentionally hiding the threat of White Terrorism.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump

Ongoing family separations after being court-ordered to reunify them and discontinue the practice.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump

Spouting Russian propaganda.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Attempting to punish CNN by using the DOJ to block a merger.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Not rejecting Putin's demand to interrogate Michael McFaul
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Diverting FEMA funds - DURING A HURRICANE! - to support his anti-immigrant agenda.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Hiding the facts about climate change.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Intentional and serial stoking of racial tensions.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Politicizing security clearances.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Decades of financial crimes.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Provoking violence and bloodshed.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Refusing to condemn white supremacists after Charlottesville.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Allowing unbridled Hatch Act violations.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Intervening in FBI headquarters project to protect his hotel revenue.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Poorly trained FEMA workers and Trump's rampant cronyism contributed significantly to the nearly 3000 deaths in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Damaging relationships with longstanding U.S. allies.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Demanding a personal loyalty oath from his FBI director.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Hollowing out the Department of State.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Taking a $30,000 gift from the Attorney General.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Attempting to add an unconstitutional citizenship question to the census.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Saying exactly NOTHING when the Turkish President Erdogan's thugs attacked American citizens in the U.S. capitol.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Regularly using insecure cellphones after being told that spies are listening in.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Stealing the Power of the Purse from Congress (by using a fake national emergency).
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Politicizing U.S. Intelligence
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Campaign Finance Fraud: Karen McDougal
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Extorting a senator to vote for ACA repeal by threatening to take funds away from her state.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Encouraging officials and lobbyists to curry his favor by spending money at his properties.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Instituting American state media propaganda
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Threatening the jobs of NOAA employees to force them to make a false hurricane report.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Campaign Finance Fraud: Stormy Daniels
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Allowing Russian state media - but NOT U.S. media - to cover an Oval Office meeting with Russian officials.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Separating children from their parents
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Directing Jeff Sessions as Attorney General to investigate his political enemies.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Financial disclosure fraud
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Lying - and directing aides to lie - about Trump Tower Moscow.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Secretive meetings with Vladimir Putin
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Expressing a desire to violate multiple constitutional amendments.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Constant attacks on the free press
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Advocating for Putin while Putin wages his "Special War" on the United States.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

His Cabinet of Corruption
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Profiting off the Presidency
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Intentionally undermining public trust in elections
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Illegal coordination between the Trump campaign and the NRA
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Violating the Presidential Records Act
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Directing Bill Barr to investigate those who were investigating the Trump campaign.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Suborning perjury from Michael Cohen
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Obstruction of Justice: Ordering Don McGahn to fire Robert Mueller.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Pressing U.S. allies to discredit the Mueller inquiry.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Attacking U.S. intelligence agencies and siding with Putin over them.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Abuse of Power: Directing Jeff Sessions to prosecute Hillary Clinton.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Using the U.S. State Department for dirty political operations and allowing Giuliani to run his own shadow state department.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Using the power of the Presidency to persuade Manafort and Gates to lie to investigators.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Using the power of the Presidency to persuade Michael Cohen to lie to investigators.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Hiding conversations with foreign leaders on top-secret server.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Ordering federal workers to break the law to build his wall. Promising pardons if they are caught.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Using the office of the President to tamper with a jury
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Obstruction of Justice: Asking the FBI director to end an investigation into Michael Flynn.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Attempting to limit the Special Counsel investigation to future interference only.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Helping the Saudis whitewash the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Firings and prosecutions of high-level officials who investigated Russia's attack on the United States.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Obstruction of Justice: Ordering Don McGahn to file a false document to obstruct an investigation.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Declaring a willingness to collude with Russia to win an election.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Allowing Saudi Arabia to formulate U.S. foreign policy.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Overturning dozens of Security Clearance denials.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Using the U.S. military to raise revenue at Trump Turnberry.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Continuously working on behalf of Putin to remove sanctions on Russia.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Aiding Russia by intimidating United States intelligence professionals.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Subverting the Department of Justice to work on Trump's personal behalf instead of that of the American people.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Violation of the Constitution's Foreign Emoluments clause.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Secret deal to provide nuclear technology to the Saudis.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Firing James Comey because of "that Rusher thing" and then bragging to Kremlin officials about it.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Absolute Obstruction of Congress.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Using the power of the presidency to attempt to identify a whistle-blower.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Wielding the full power of the U.S. Presidency to force Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 U.S. election.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Coordination with Russia to win the 2016 election.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

Disclosing highly classified intelligence to Russian officials.
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment

#1 🏆
Refusal to defend the United States
#LegacyOfTrump #RemoveTrump #Impeachment