full report: nationalacademies.org/SocialCare
Summary in @JAMA_current
My THREAD 1/18

⬆️ healthcare spending, but outcomes lag
⬆️ focus on healthcare value
Social factors ▶️ health, but not necessarily addressed in healthcare
⬆️ activity integrating social care into healthcare -> need framework to design/evaluate/improve #SocialCare (3/18)

Everyone’s health affected by social factors & anyone may have ⬆️ need (eg discharge, aging)
For some, social needs are multiple, chronic, & faced without resources
Addressing health-related social need important for health & health equity #SocialCare @RWJF 4/18

*US spending on healthcare >> OECD countries
*US spends less in some social sectors, but more in others
▶️ investments are needed, but also about rebalancing, shifting definitions
Lots in report on global budgeting #SocialCare 5/18

Be 🅰️ware of social determinants of health
Offer 🅰️ssistance & make 🅰️djustments for individual patients with social needs
🅰️lign with communities & 🅰️dvocate for policy change
The 5🅰️s #SocialCare (6/18)

- in clinical care for individual patient
- universal screening or targetted to high risk groups
- hotspotting
- awareness of community needs
#SocialCare (7/18)

Healthcare sector may also address needs at the community level - 🅰️lignment & 🅰️dvocacy include partnering in X-sector coalitions & leveraging social, political, economic clout as anchor institutions
#SocialCare 8/18

- appropriately staffed and well-trained workforce
- health information technology to support
- new financing models
#SocialCare (9/18)

🅰️lignment, and
🅰️dvocacy activities
#SocialCare 10/18

Partnership between the healthcare and social care sector is important - here are some considerations & strategies related to external referrals
#SocialCare (11/18)

- focuses on need for leadership support, development of infrastructure, engaging stakeholders in developing models for integrating social care into healthcare delivery #SocialCare (13/18)

- Social care workforce is key, as a part of interprofessional teams aware of #SDoH
social workers, community health workers, gerontologist, lawyers, others.
Recs address scope of practice, reimbursement, education
#SocialCare (14/18)

connecting social service organizations to each other & to the healthcare sector
protecting rights of consumers critical
#SocialCare (15/18)

important to note that while policy changes would support more integration, many more activities allowed even within current regulations
#SocialCare (16/18)

The evidence is good, but still need more.....
demonstration projects, evaluation, common metrics, clearinghouse
#SocialCare (17/18)