this thread is a few dozen slides of eye candy! 🍭 👇 read it on the airplane home from Japan :)

But this topic is important to me; as our industrial age institutions crumble + we migrate to the information age... We should articulate what kind of networked species we want to evolve into.

The goal of the Free Software Movement is obtaining and guaranteeing certain freedoms:
•run the software
•to study and change the software
•to redistribute copies with or without changes

Is the creator of the device in your pocket serving your interests as a user? Or is it serving the profit driven interests of the Apple Corporation?
Software increasingly intermediates our lives.. This is about control/influence.

Linux was important and is important today because its the most widely used computer operating system in the world.
It set the precedent that an open source project could be more successful than commercial software!

For the First Time Ever a group of p2p individuals can send value across the internet without an intermediary or it being double spent.


We are in a historic time; TODAY we stand where we are because of the rich history of our predecessors fight for an open internet.

As the stakes are raised by the world being more networked and more connected, what does the future history of the open internet look like?
Imagine you are retiring in 2035; what is our collective legacy at that time?

Understanding this space is kinda like that.



But what hill are we really climbing here? I found this path kind of distasteful.. Like I was doing work that didnt reflect my own values..


Instead of climbing the local maxima of choosing between your values/economics; you can choose both.
This Heroes Journey is all of us. /18

With immutable/transparent rules we can provably create alignment of all stakeholder interests.. /19

The internet of value could change ANYTHING that relies on money bc now we can send value over a network. Banks, Jobs, etc.
Scale of this new economic system could be huge!

Dunbar's number is a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships

* 5 people in your kin
* 15 in superfamily
* 50 in clan
* 150 in tribe

- Repeat interactions
- Possible win wins
- Low miscomunication




- Bounties on @ethBounties and Gitcoin
- Funding for Public Goods on Gitcoin Grants and @oscoin
- StableCoins on DAI @MakerDAO
- Return on Investments on @compoundfinance




Were standing on the shoulders of giants; and future generations will stand on the work that we do today.
Peace out Devcon✌️ See you at @EthereumDenver

all the artwork for this talk was created on @gitcoin and is is Open Source/ licensed Creative Commons. please steal it + use it yourself…