An event has been announced in your main branch that appears to intend to make the arguments that gender identity is fiction, our #HumanRights laws are bad policy, and #transgender women are not women:
@CheriDiNovo @StraightLGBT @VPL…
You also have policies prohibiting discrimination "of any kind" on your premises.
The case ruling:
I would like to believe that your institution will heed the arguments in the above case when evaluating the appropriate step.
I have some questions I ask you consider...…
"Every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to Library services and facilities, without discrimination or harassment"
Does "every person" include library users Ms. Murphy targets in her talks?
For example, have you rented to supremacists targeting other groups?
What is the difference?
If you are being inconsistent when it comes to who you protect from persons or groups urging explicitly-prohibited discrimination, why?
Rules Of Conduct:…
These rules include the statement that "#Discrimination and/or #harassment will not be tolerated under any circumstances."
if not, why not?
"the principles of religious identity often, in practice, reinforce sexism and undermine women's rights"
Is it equally true and welcome to say the two at Toronto Public Library?
"the reification of gender is a betrayal of long-held leftist and feminist principles".
Is "reification" at all a charged term?…