In Germany the farebox recovery is high but the state covers the balance through taxes, largely on income.
Similar in Sweden, regional tax including income. 50% frr
DB has offices in Sac, Irvine, NJ, working with local transit operators and CAHSR.
The Swedish government is funding their local efforts in Palo Alto.
Bikeshare and car share have been big in Germany. Feeder buses important too.
@icgee explains that @seamlessbayarea has not prescribed a single solution, is advocating for a more in depth study which will recommend changes to a range of agencies
@icgee says that their mandate and their relationship to operators is not as clear as it should be; operators accountable to their own boards.
MTC's governance structure also doesn't incentivize regionalism
In Hamburg it started as a demand from customers, then it spread by a mixture of demand from passengers and support from the state.
@seamlessbayarea is putting energy into legislation.