China funds the 10-yr for 3.22% vs Vietnam's 3.56%😯 & their rating very diff👈🏻
What to do?
So Doi Moi. Started to play the "reform" game & official development aid (ODA) & trying to get help on growing
What does that mean? Almost free $. Also opened up shop for FDI...
Also spent a ton of $ wastefully after the GFC.
How to repair such a bad balance sheet? We know now it made the U-turn
FDI = $$
Vietnam started getting $ it needs. It also curbed excessive credit growth & reduced imports
Yes. Now it's +2.4% in 2018. When u don't have $ & ur banking system is under stress, then there's LIMITED FUND TO BUY GOVIES & so gov has to pay up (obvs CPI key too)