You may also check my pinned Tweet for interesting thread of story threads…
Google's definition "a type of marketing that involves the creation & sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, & social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.
However, that definition seems to make content marketing "online-centric" (New word 😛), because I'm pretty sure content marketing is way more than that, I mean the roadside pepper seller does not use the internet, so🤷♂️
So simply put, content marketing is about putting your content out there, such that it attracts your target audience.
Content Marketing - - - - Equation 1
What is Storytelling?
This is pretty easy for you init?😎
I saw a definition that tells the true story about storytelling, & this is as defined by Berice Dudley (not the Dudley in Harry Potter)
(I quoted the text as is, and did not paraphrase, I'm well aware of the fact that using "... he chooses" could come of as being insensitive to some people. Please note, storytelling is not gender specific, so no fighting🙏)
Content Marketing - - - Equation 1
Storytelling - - - - - - - - Equation 2
Both of them have one thing in common - "Information"
Merging both together gives you dissemination of information in a very relatable manner.
You can market your content & without
If you add an element of "creative" storytelling to your content marketing strategy - there's a better chance of attracting a larger audience & also getting more conversions.
There's a reason I said
If you're observant on Twitter you may have seen bland content, and awesome content... @FamozzyyK is an awesome shoemaker & is the
How to Use Storytelling Content Marketing to Tell Powerful Brand Stories: 5 Methods
📌 Add Emotion (Relatable)
📌 Be Original with the Stories
📌 Use Storytelling Content Marketing Links Your Goals
📌 Get Personal, Drop the Blandness
📌 Be Creative
This is like one of the easiest and simplest ways to integrate storytelling into your content marketing. Have you seen the Glo and Airtel adverts?
It's one thing to come to Twitter to post:
"Torch lights available
Price: xxxx
Delivery: nationwide
Please Retweet"
"It was stormy, our transformer blew, so I couldn't go out to get fuel for the gen, and I needed to do this photoshoot. I remembered the two XYZ flashlights I got from ABC & voila! just check the photos & be amazed.
I have the flashlights for sale!"
In trying to create buzz around your content, there's the tendency to want to go overboard, and in the process originality will go overboard with you and your story.
I'll give an example. Some years ago, a popular phone brand launched PR for a new
So it is imperative to
This is self explanatory. What do you hope to achieve at the end of your content marketing campaign? Sales? Awareness? Recognition? Your storytelling content marketing strategy should be a factor of your goals. Focus!!!
Sometimes we get used to old methods that we become complacent & get left behind. Your competitors are employing new methods to get customers, clients, consumers, partners, etc. You need to get personal with how you market your brand's content
Don’t be boring!
Do I really need to explain that you need creativity? If you think it's beyond you to be creative with your storytelling content marketing, you should hire a good content creator.
Okay, now that you have the basics (these are actually things you know, right?)
Feel free to drop your thoughts and further explanations.
Time to go back to E-No-Concern-Me Twitter and Thick Aunties Twitter ✌️
*drops mic* *sips B milk* Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!