Model with a Police Oversight Panel
• Full-time auditor/monitor professional in City Manager’s Office
• Enhanced police oversight panel of 11 community members
• Improved community engagement
Julca and Dolan def gone, tho.
"We think in doing that, we will create a healthy relationship between the police and the community."
Conklin: Yes
Conklin: That's an implementation question, but it's going to be "absolutely critical" and part of continued and ongoing outreach to the community.
I know a lot of work has gone into this ... in such a short period of time. "There's still a lot of work ahead of us."
"While I think we still disagree on the final position that the police chief should make final decisions, we recognize (the task force) came to that decision quite knowledgable." (sic)
Consider giving the auditor/monitor and police chief "equal standing."
Yates or Nagle either, but that's pretty normal.
Unanimous vote to implement that.