#GiletsJaunes in high spirits, set off on the march to protest Macron's disastrous Neoliberal policies which have brought so much misery & poverty to France.
This is #Acte51 the 51st consecutive week of the protests.
Nearly an ENTIRE year.
Massive Police Violence already as Macron Regime thugs brutally attack a small #GiletsJaunes protest at a hypermarket in #Rouen.
In 2018, poverty & inequality massively increased in France with 400,000 more people falling below the poverty line (INSEE).
Evictions reached a record of more than 36,000 dislodged people. (Abbé Pierre Foundation)
Macron: Let them eat cake

Hollande: "Non ce n'est pas vrai..... He is the President for the VERY rich."
MSM TV hack's face ...... priceless!
Soon it will be the 1 Year anniversary of the protests!
Macron is gassing his own people!
If this was Venezuela, Syria, or Moscow, the EU would be outraged & calling for Regime Change.
He may remember for a long time their "proportionate response." #ViolencesPolicières
Is this a South American Military Dictatorship or France & the EU?
The air is so thick with clouds of gas, you can't see.
People seek shelter in a local store.
They are roundly booed.
The indomitable spirit of these people is simply AMAZING!
After Macron's Riot Cops have left, the #GiletsJaunes Party with Dancing and Singing in Gare Du Nord!
Vive La France!