I read the Volker, Sondland, and McKinley transcripts.
Either Guiliani is a master plotter, manipulating the gullible Trump for his own purposes—or Trump is setting him up to be the fall guy.
New stuff is highlighted.
Remember, the accusation is that Giuliani conducted a months-long shadow foreign policy in Ukraine for the purposes of advancing Trump’s and his personal interests.
April 24: Giuliani went on Fox and Friends and said, “Keep your eye on Ukraine”
After Politico questioned Trump about this. . .
When Mulvaney put the Three Amigos (Sondland, Volker, Perry) in charge of Ukrainian policy, he told them to report to Giuliani.
He kept saying “Talk to Rudy, talk to Rudy.” (Sondland)
He told them that he had “heard from Giuliani” that “all” Ukrainians are “corrupt, they are all terrible people.”
[Key: Trump says he got these ideas from Giuliani]
When Volker weighed whether to accept the ambassador position, he said he worried about the “Giuliani thing.”
[Look whose fault it is!]
[Who'd they learn it from? Gimmea “G”..gimmmea "U" ]
WHO wanted it?
He also said: “I understood that satisfying Mr. Giuliani was a condition for scheduling the White House visit.”
Let’s do a Poll:
Is Trump sending Giuliani to do his bidding?
Or is Giuliani manipulating Trump and running the show for his own personal gain?

Trump is being like a mafia don, sending the consiglieri to do his work, putting layers of insulation between himself and wrongdoing.
That's why mentioning Biden in the call was his undoing.
My understanding of how this works is from⤵️

The wrongdoings flow from Trump's role and authority.
Ukrainians sought to influence the 2016 election in HRC’s favor by providing dirt on Trump and Manafort to the Clinton campaign, which they did by passing information through Ambassador Yovanovitch.