Protect me @OversightDems!
It’s too late to stop exposure of the federal #CivilRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw, so letting #ongoing #OrganizedCrimes succeed to #kill me serves no purpose but #retaliation against a #victim/#whistleblower on behalf of the crimes' #beneficiaries.

That #inescapable #reciprocal #retaliation #UnderColorOfLaw due to #PublicCorruption includes the role of @RepHarley's predecessor in the #AmericanSwamp.
Protect me from that #systemic harm @OversightDems @HelsinkiComm
#KeepYourPromise to help the🍊🌊end #RegulatoryCapture

That’s why the #intrahospital & #interhospital #CoverUp’s #QuidProQuo #UnderColorOfLaw could begin simultaneous to the initial crimes via #PREEMPTIVE #OrganizedCrimes that escalated to #CruelAndUnusual #RETALIATION to #CoverUp the #CoverUp, which is verified as #AttemptedMurder
The #ongoing deadly federal #CivilRights #CoverUp crimes #UnderColorOfLaw are obvious by their lack of subtly.
That exposes #QuidProQuo & #beneficiaries of the #OrganizedCrimes’ #ConspiracyAgainstRights.
That's why investigating AND stopping the harm & its cause are each...

...within @OversightDems authority, as is stopping the #CriminalMotive of that harm, which is to use earlier ongoing #CoverUp crimes again for greater #PREEMPTIVE & #RETALIATORY harm.
That’s understandable by my victimization because the #CoverUp’s origin & its continuum of...

...still #torturing & #LifeThreatening harm & malicious #motives are #inescapable by design & intended to be deadly
That's verified by the #PatternAndPractice of #CruelAndUnusual obstructions by multiple federal agencies & #reciprocal #BadFaith violating #ConstitutionalRights.

Protect me.
That #reciprocal #CoverUp #UnderColorOfLaw of #OrganizedCrimes' #CriminallyFraudulentPrivateMarketDiscipline is why complaints to #PublicOfficials, #LawEnforcement & #Regulatory agencies are a #trap for #victims/#whistleblowers #BeforeAndAfter crimes' traumas occur
That's why I'm retaliated against every time I try to recover
Those #CruelAndUnusual #CoverUp crimes’ #MedicalControlFrauds are obvious by my failure to be protected yet from those crimes’ intent to kill me to #ObstructJustice about the preceding crimes
That reciprocal #BadFaith traps #victims, witnesses & #whistleblowers PREEMPTIVELY
It succeeds by malicious control #UnderColorOfLaw of resources & rights needed to escape/survive #MandatedReporters’ crimes on behalf of beneficiaries' special interests
I NEED MEDICAL CARE IMMEDIATELY, but I can’t escape the #MedicalControlFrauds' systemic #blacklisting sabotaging my recovery/safety because good-faith care exposes the #scope/#hierarchy of preexisting #QuidProQuo #UnderColorOfLaw to #CoverUp crimes the #CoverUp made disappear.
@OversightDems, Validation of #ongoing reciprocal federal #CivilRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw injuring me to #ObstructJustice is the consistency of witnesses' statements about the #OrganizedCrimes' #scope/#hierarchy used to inflict the #systemic harm👇
Examples of that #RegulatoryCapture is the #ongoing #ConspiracyAgainstRights in #retaliation to my complaints & the #CoverUp's failure to kill me yet
That's why the ongoing organized #CoverUp crimes’ #MedicalControlFrauds still need #CoverUp crimes too
Because my catastrophic #injuries/#disabilities inflicted by #MandatedReporters’ #CruelAndUnusual #CivilRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw are so gruesome, #torturing & #LifeThreatening, then made worse intentionally by the #CoverUp, the latest #InsuranceFrauds by #HHS & #SSA’s...
...#reciprocal #CoverUp crimes are understandable #retaliation against a mortally injured/disabled #victim, #witness & #whistleblower for being a victim, witness & whistleblower & obviously aid the continuum of #MandatedReporters’ #CivilRights #CoverUp crimes #UnderColorOfLaw.
Due to the obviousness of the #QuiProQuo #CoverUp & my permanent catastrophic injuries/disabilities, the latest #MedicalControlFrauds’ #CoverUp to criminally #ObstructJustice about the prior & ongoing #CoverUp crimes relies on the reciprocal #BadFaith of HHS, SSA & DOJ, E.g.👇

HHS, SSA & DOJ’s #BadFaith about #CivilRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw in their mandated jurisdiction to stop is an expansion of disenfranchising crimes to #ObstructJustice ~ that's consistent with accomplices to #OrganizedCrimes, not #MandatedReporters.
The inescapable #retaliation to my whistleblowing is so obvious that the lack of subtlety should ensure my safety from the reciprocal #CoverUp #UnderColorOfLaw, but due to #PublicCorruption/#RegulatoryCapture that #QuidProQuo includes #MandatedReporters
The obvious #PatternAndPractice of #CruelAndUnusual #CivilRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw exposed by my victimization shows #RegulatoryCapture & #QuidProQuo has existed for decades, which @OversightDems should’ve prevented/ended.
The #BadFaith of HHS, SSA & DOJ exemplifies it.
🌊PROTECT ME @OversightDems @RepHarley
#Ongoing #BadFaith by FBI, HHS & DOJ about reciprocal #Blacklisting & #ConspiracyAgainstRights inflicting #CivilRights/#RICO crimes #UnderColorOfLaw is to #AidAndAbet #ObstructofJustice of #Systemic #OrganizedCrime by #MandatedReporters.

@OversightDems @RepHarley
Due to the #scope/#hierarchy of the #OrganizedCrimes, you know my pleas for protection are #URGENT because I could never anticipate or protect myself from that harm ~ not even my physical safety from the #torturing #CoverUp crimes trying to #kill me.
#Help,@RepHarley @OversightDems
That animus & corruption is why I trusted sending you proof you can't deny of #systemic #CivilRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw harming me is an ongoing obvious inescapable #ConspiracyAgainstRights harming ALL Americans.