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Sep 24th 2022
1. Update on Siphosami Malunga’s continued persecution in #Zimbabwe

Yesterday 23/9/2022 the SAHRDN was at Tsholotsho Magistrate Court observing the trial of HRD @SiphoMalunga and his 2 business partners who face charges of unlawfully occupying a farm they bought in 2019
2. The case raises many issues including, #HumanRights, #ConstitutionalRights, #PropertyRights which are all protected in terms of the 2013 Zimbabwe constitution. It also raises questions on whether #Zimbabwe is open for business and a safe investment destination
3. Case also a test of separation of powers/rule of law in #Zimbabwe. From Court proceedings Executive is desirous of acquiring the farm despite NOT serving any notice of such intention to owners. High Court and Supreme Court ruled that Siphosami et al must continue on the farm
Read 12 tweets
Jun 26th 2022
News Flash 🎇
June 24, 2022
Earth 🌎
Supreme Court of USA 🇺🇸 @SCOTUSblog
In Protected Custody of US Federal Police 👮‍♀️👮🏽👮🏿‍♀️💂🏻🫃🏼
#RoeVsWade actually #JaneDoeVsWade found in conflict with our #ConstitutionalRights.
How many Protesters Violated laws & Tried to Influence Judges?
News Flash ⚡️2
Cover Who Leaked #SCOTUS Draft Opinion?
I will. @FoxNews will and we both will be vilified by President Biden, along with #MAGA #SuperMAGA #UltraMAGA Half the Country.
War on Conservatives has officially begun.
My followers are free to comment on my opinions. Be nice.
@elonmusk if I get banned or doxxed or otherwise lose my right to Free Speech, consider it a violation of #Section230.
Are employees of Twitter & Google affecting information sharing & public opinion? @rafshmatko
Read 4 tweets
Jun 28th 2020
1) #Covid19 #CultOfPodesta #PodestaGroup #Covidien @snjbear68 A FB thread by Brian Skroski transferred to Twit via screenshots with a pictures at the end.
The masterminds of the coup, #Coronavirus #ContactTracing, #Vaccinations and the destruction of our #ConstitutionalRights
Read 24 tweets
May 9th 2020
1. Are you the citizens of this great Country, USA ready to finally wake the up? Our President is for #WeThePeople, the DECLARATION of INDEPENDANCE & THE US CONSTITUTION. We know who in our government is against this, our rights. It’s time we standup & fight to remove those...
2. that are UNAMERICAN, those that say they need to rule over us, make decisions for us, that know what’s best for us, for our children, those that caused this economy to shut down, to close businesses, but keep dispensaries open, liquor stores open, abortion clinics open,
3. quarantine the healthy, release prisoners into our communities. The people in Congress that have a Speaker of the House who is staying home eating expensive ice cream, throwing that & her multi million dollar mansion we helped pay for with the dark money she gets along with..
Read 16 tweets
May 8th 2020
Dear USA. PLEASE SEND HELP. Kate Brown has now decided to extend our emergency order till July 6th AND she's already calling off football in the FALL until she gets a VACCINE!! Oregon needs help. We have low numbers from COVID and have no income from Unemployment.
#auditoregon #freedom #constitutionalrights #ConstitutionOverCoronavirus
Share this and help us get out from this tyranny. No mandatory vaccines. No tracking. Where's our federal funds for unemployment? @potus @DOJPH @OAN…
Religious restrictions in Oregon have lead to churches now creating a lawsuit to be able to uphold their rights.…
Read 12 tweets
Oct 27th 2019
BEFORE READING THIS THREAD, do you think this statement is TRUE or FALSE?

Despite being a documented #epidemic for decades, @HHSGov's #CenterForDiseaseControl(@CDCgov) intentionally obstructs its collecting #statistics on what causes at least 10% of deaths NEEDLESSLY every year.

HINT: You already know of these systemic #DataScams due to #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture:

🤥#UScensus is maliciously biased

Thread coming soon about #CauseOfDeath #DataFraud

#AmericanSwamp #MedicalControlFraud

ANOTHER HINT: My inability to escape intrahospital, interhospital & health/disability insurers’ #ConspiracyAgainstRights using #MedicalControlFrauds exposes motive of the right answer.

Watch this video later to understand #PublicCorruption by example📽️
Read 43 tweets
Oct 14th 2019
New Release:
“The Sound of Awakening”
🎨 by @Melis_Strategic

Parabolic storytelling piece for #TheGreatAwakening patriots & saints worldwide.

Completed Sundown
Yom Kippur 2019.

Original 24” x 30”
Acrylic & Gold Leaf Canvas
Original & prints for sale.

Profound story...
This painting has an intricate and profound timeline and themes associated with it. A ten year completion cycle, a prophetic swirl, with several cool puzzle pieces that came together. I’m going to do my best to tell this story in the thread following. Gathering thoughts, brb.
“Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace... “ says the Lord Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them. But for you who #REVERE My name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in its rays... ” Malachi 4:1-2
Read 56 tweets
Jun 17th 2018
This is America?! What the ....!? 😡
Border control stopping cars and asking #Citizenship 150 miles from Canadian border?!
Is this legal?!
Are they wearing jackboots and swastikas?!
#CivilRights #Fascism
I hate 2B alarmist but this MUST B ASKED:
What the hell's stopping #BorderControl or #ICE from asking 4proof of citizenship
taking U anyway
claiming U did not have ID
& destroying your proof
With no legal representation provided...u'd simply "Disappear"
Abuse of Power by US #BorderControl & #ICE MUST B REIGNED IN
B4 it's Too Late!!!!
#PoliceState #FascistAmerica
Read 8 tweets

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